Barisone assessment

We were not concerned with the bills or the mode of transportation. We were concerned that she was dying. The medical staff asked us to stay overnight the first night “in case” she died overnight. We slept on the floor of the waiting room of the trauma unit that was taking care of her.

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It varies. An average is not the median and won’t reflect a particular area or circumstance.


In the ensuing 2.5 years, the bills have been rolling in. I have no doubt they are being saved for the civil suit. Lauren may not have known initially, but certainly has known for over a year whether or not she was driven or flown to the hospital. She chose not to be truthful. That has been noted. I wouldn’t be surprised if it will also be a factor in the civil trial when the jurors hear all the evidence.


Not true morgan. You have no idea.

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Why in the world would she lie about that morgan. There is absolutely no motive.

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I think you’re replying to the wrong poster as I only clarified someone else’s question for you b/c you were missing the point.

But, if you want to know my opinion about why people are discussing it, I believe (and anyone can correct me if I misinterpreted here) that what people are saying is, LK has been on here and all over SM going on and on about how she was medi-vac’ed from the scene which means something is VERY serious. It’s expensive and it’s reserved for the most urgent/dire cases.

She claimed this over and over again when it was not true. People are pointing to that as one more bit of evidence that she often does not tell the truth. She claimed she didn’t know it wasn’t the truth and people are wondering why no one told her the truth in the 2+ years following the incident.

I hope that helps to understand why people are asking why no one told her, not why you did not initially care how she got there (which makes sense).


The ambulance wasn’t free. Medical flights aren’t free. Someone has to pay. If the insurance company pays in full, they still send the insured party the EOBs. Plus if Lauren had been flown it would have been information shared with Lauren.


Interesting they were asked to stay at the hospital and slept on the floor (WOW! Most hospitals have recliners for family but whatever) yet her father and boyfriend/whatever were so compelled to rush to the farm to retrieve what??? No one believes for one second it was to be sure the horses were fed and that one horse had been wrapped - oh my, I hope that horse was properly wrapped right at 9 AM by someone! Oh, and with RG’s mangled hand. Right. Most of us and apparently the jury were not born yesterday and neither will the civil juries be that naive.


I thnk people are morbidly obsessed with somethng that is cruel and not their business.


I almost never miss the point.

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It has been proven under oath in a court of law that she has lied about it @Seeker1. You were in the court room when she testified you told us!

It is hysterical that you dance around the actual truth like it is vile to you Seeker!


Wrong again.

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You all are heading for a lockdown.

:snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:

Did I do that right?


How am I wrong @Seeker1? Please tell me how I am wrong! I would honestly like to know!

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Talking about a delusion experienced while bleeding out and dying is completely different than lying.


So question, and it may have already been addressed so please excuse my faulty memory…but if MB is cleared to leave AK, does the judge tell him where he can live or not live? For example will he have to remain in NJ or would he be able to go to his farm in FL?


Y’all, back off please. It is incredibly obvious this poster has no idea what any of us are saying, has no desire to know, and only wants all of this to disappear. So, let’s move on and discuss any other issue please.

By the way, speaking about someone is not addressing them. I just wanted to point that out. I have not responded directly to this poster and have no intention to.


She was in a medically induced coma. Our worries related to dying from infections pertaining to intubation, the damage to her teeth…breathing on her own without assistance…getting a tracheotomy instead of intubation, catheterization…feeding tubes, her fears that mb was going to come into her room and kill her, general hysteria…

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I was with her every single day in the hospital

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You post this, but yet you are here to elicit sympathy for your daughter???

Talk about uncaring!