Barisone assessment

That is going to depend entirely on the terms of release, from everything I can find in NJ’s laws and rules.


I can imagine if MB is cleared to leave, his attorneys will petition the courts to have him assigned to care near his home with periodic reporting to whomever designated by the court. I fully expect Simring, or someone of his caliber, will refer MB to exceptional doctors in the FL area.


Can you pls link where this is? I thought she went black on SM


I am not looking for sympathy. I am just saying that attempting to kill someone is never a solution to anything. Im sure you agree.

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I definitely get why you would think that. In this case, people are focused on the fact that is one more lie from LK, that is all. But, I do understand why you would feel otherwise.

I think it’s helpful to read people’s posts here with the background that everyone thinks LK lies continuously about big and small things. The fact that she admitted while under oath to lying online strongly reinforced that general view of her character. She was also caught in several lies while on stand (one example: she posted all over, before the shooting and any bleeding out, that she had two guns; on the stand she changed that to owning one and having one on layaway - the story made no sense, but one of the two version was a lie as both cannot be true).

So people are more focused on the fact that she lies a lot rather than being interested specifically in how she got to the hospital. The fact that someone lies a lot is germane to discussions about what happened and what the civil trial will be like. I’m sure it’s not pleasant to read as a mother. I would be completely, utterly mortified as a mother. I honestly would die of the shame of the information that has come out. In that respect, I 100% feel for you.


A full and total release with protection orders in place is not outside the realm of possibility, based on rulings in previous cases in NJ.

Edit to add: we heard about MB’s past relationship with a therapist during the trial. The history of seeking help is a plus, and I would expect, court order or not, for that to not change for him going forward.


Interesting. This makes a lot of sense to me. Obviously there is a serious shortage of beds inpatient facilities in NJ, given how long it took for a bed at AK to open up, and the transfer from the jail to happen.


How would protection orders work if their homes are now so close together? I guess this is a general question for any two people in a community. For instance, where our farm is there is exactly one local shop for food and petrol. I imagine both people could turn up there at the same time randomly. Does the 2nd to arrive just back out right away and wait until the 1st leaves and then shop?

No worries if that’s too granular a question; just wondering how these things play out when the two parties are in the same location.


Simple question, FINISH THE BASTARD and whatever that means to the 3 people on that text chain is perfectly acceptable? I’m sure Barisone’s attorneys have the entire text chain to allow them to fill in all the gaps to present whatever the plan was to the jury. We all KNOW there was a plan and can’t wait to hear what it actually was. Maybe attempt to beat Barisone to death while being marked by a dog? Who knows?


Dont need your sympathy and i dont feel shame. No one is perfect and conflicts happen. The only thing shameful here is that michael tried to kill lauren with a gun and almost succeeded. It was proven in court that there were many other options. Now he is paying for it. All of you here bashing my family should feel ashamed for your relentless lies and cruelty toward our family. Just because balinkas said something to save mb doesnt make it true. You repeating those lies dont make it true…either… i am much more fine than people who do this for sport.

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Especially when one of those parties bought a home after the incident so close to the other party! You would almost have to wonder if that was intentional!


If a Protective Order is issued in NJ, would a separate Protective Order have to be issued in FL?


NJ’s case law talks about only being dangerous (legally) when confronted with a very specific circumstance or person. In those cases, they tend to impose the absolute least amount of restrictions on a patient’s liberties while still protecting that specific circumstance to occur. So, yeah - get people out of the state-run beds!


Typically, yes. If both people have the right to be somewhere, like the local quik trip, the 2nd one to arrive should do exactly that.


Funny, as your daughter has more than proven that just because she tells a lie repeatedly, does not make it true. As testified to, under oath, in a court of law!


Very likely, but with a fresh order from one state in place, that doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult. I think.


I shouldn’t do this, slapping Maria’s hands who have a mind of their own…

Why would anyone be worrying about MB coming into her room if he was in the hospital, I am guessing under guard or already in jail?


I think it’s standard for most to involve maintaining a distance of 50-100 yards of distance. @Knights_Mom posted an image of a typical order a few threads ago, and that’s what I recollect.

Honestly… if they live in the same town, and end up coincidentally at the grocery store at the same time… one or both need to back off and just avoid the other. That would be the smart thing to do. But, if people want to engage in drama instead of just being practical and living their lives… they could whip out a cellphone, take video, get confrontational, and call the local police.

Lord knows people involved in ugly divorces or breakups sometimes use the issue of violating orders of protection to continue toxic legal drama. Police are used to this sort of thing (unfortunately) and often unsympathetic when it’s obvious someone is trying to leverage an order to create legal drama.


Then I regret extending my sympathies, mother to mother. I’ll not do that again.

If my daughter grows up to have multiple arrests in multiple states and ever, even one time, types the kind of language LK typed to GirlJoey and others or uses someone’s race against them in an online review (just to name a couple things), I will be deeply ashamed. There is zero tolerance for that kind of stuff in my family. I guess it’s just a difference in cultures. Where I come from, how family members act reflects on the whole family. Just chalk it up to our different backgrounds, I guess. :woman_shrugging:


This is very well said, and you’re right. The police are used to people weaponizing their OOP’s because it happens far too frequently.