Barisone assessment

She was tramatized and medicated. She was unable to distinguish between fact and delusion. Someone told her that he was in the same hospital.

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What is your point?

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Why am I inappropiate @Seeker1?

Because I tell the truth? Because I expect others to tell the truth?


I fully expect MB to never be alone when out and about 24/7 to protect him from any encounter with his two attackers.


If i explain you will deny. Whats the point?

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Oh, I could NEVER see someone weaponizing an order of protection in this case! NEVER!!!

Yes, that is sarcasm!


I, for one, am wondering how she got it in her head that she was medivaced. Did someone tell her that, or did she take perverse pleasure in the added drama that a life flight would give her “almost murder?”


The point is I asked you directly. You want to put your version of events out there, even when they do not match sworn court testimony, and then you wonder why you are questioned.


I think it’s a pretty likely that if/when MB is released from AK and eventually allowed to return to his home in Florida… a certain someone is going to be looking for a reason to claim he is violating the order of protection, and she will immediately launch a new legal scuffle.

Type B fuster cluck personalities are very predisposed to perpetuating toxic legal drama. In case that wasn’t readily apparent to the everyone after this trial and the Heard-Depp debacle.


Lauren Kanarek is not Lisbeth Salander. Michael Barisone is not Alexander Zalachenko. Barisone wasn’t going to move from his ward to the ICU and kill her.


As you know from the trial and mb txts to mary haskins he was threatening to scare her and run her off behind her back. He could have had a rational conversation followed by an eviction notice. He chose not to do that…

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I doubt there is any explanation to give other than “just because”.


There was conflicting testimony. My point to you is that you are inappropriate most of the time. I dont really care what you think personally.

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OMG. :rofl:


Well she was traumatized and she was terrified.

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I’m confused. I thought she was in a coma?


For the first part of her stay…then they brought her out though heavily medicated.

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That is your prerogative. But when trying to peddle your line here, expect us to be VERY opinionated.

We are horse women. We deal with 1,000 lb. plus animals easily and are used to manure and how to dispose of it!



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One final question and then I will disengage again.


You seem very concerned with letting us all know the severity of Lauren’s injuries, that you were in fear for her life, that she was medically fragile for a period of time. I get it, that’s a terrible thing to watch a your child go through.

Why is it, do you think, that despite that, Lauren is not viewed as a victim? Why do you think people who had never met any of the participants or knew nothing about them before the trial now view Michael as the victim and Lauren and Rob as the villains? Including all the viewers on Law & Crime who aren’t members or readers here; whose only knowledge of the situation came from the trial? Surely, having been shot and sustained life threatening injuries, she’d be viewed sympathetically?

Why isn’t she? Do you know? Can you guess?

Or is that something you just would prefer not to think about?

Also, why is it you’re spending your time here defending your daughter when she’s getting much, much rougher (and unmoderated) treatment in the YouTube comments?

ETA: Edited for clarity and grammar