Barisone assessment

Eh, maybe. I’m a fan and the quote I had not attributed to him. After researching, it is found in a plain letter written to a friend about finishing the Rum Diaries. It reads:

“ The RD [Rum Diary] is almost there. I can hardly believe it, but feel certain it will never be published. No matter. Just to finish the bastard is enough. I now plan to take off around Apr. 1 & may be king of S.A. by the time you return…I might pawn you my rifle…”

But what is unusual to me are the several highly racial slurs found in the same letter, outside of that it has little importance. Why this letter would be significant, I would not know, even as a fan. I appreciate Thompson but even this letter is something I would rather ignore as I don’t like to see Thompson in a racial light.


Then that would have been part of the testimony but it wasn’t. Also, siccing the dog on someone constitutes an attack.

One cannot outjump a bullet, dive onto an assailant AND let the dog out unless they look like this


I’ve read some dopey nonsense on this board over the years, but this tops everything.


I googled it to find out how it is often used. Comes right up in Hunter S Thompson articles. Not one reference to Jimmy Cagney movies, The Godfather, Scarface, Ozark, Zero Zero Zero…

Just a reference to finishing a book.

Could mean finish the moving out details. Could mean anything.

Kind of like I believe “get rid of her” only meant move her out. All the stuff MHG testified to when reading texts from MB about ruining LK with USEF and USDF was pretty clear though.

The DCCP could have come back on her and RG and helped MB move her out without shooting her out. The code stuff was stuff he should have done right to begin with. That was on him unless he was disturbed making those decisions as well.

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Stop playing us as stupid. We all know EXACTLY what she meant. The surrounding texts were also not about finishing some literary creation. It was solely about destroying (her words) MB and EVERYONE knows it.


I understand it fully. Evidently you don’t.

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she didn’t shoot at a person and try to kill them

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Sure. Everyone believes you. Helluva daughter ya got there. Kudos.


Because she missed? LOL! The fact remains, she shot at someone in anger, and it sounds like that’s acceptable to you only because she missed.


I know she has never shot at any human being. Stop lying.

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Her plan to destroy and punish didn’t utilize guns. Though in her posts she alluded to that. This is true.


She shot at her boyfriend/fiancee/paramour/indentured servant


Where did y’all go?


I don’t care if anyone believes me. the jury found him insane when he shot her. she was injured to the point of near death as per the hospital records.

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I’m glad you don’t care because no one believes you. In fact, I don’t even believe you when you say you don’t care if anyone believes you, because were that true, you wouldn’t be here at all.


Apparently she posted a selfie saying she’d just finished part 1 of her 48 Hours interview.


How do the year round professional horse facilities in Loxahatchee and Wellington manage turnout, etc with heat, hurricanes and other challenges they face?
Looking at property listings for those areas it seems many are on 5 acres or so.


What a strange idea to be furious that the farrier had been told to not shoe your horses, and your first thought upon hearing the news was to text your father and whatever he is with the words, “Finish the Bastard”. Who does that?! Yeah, I’m not buying she was thinking of a book or movie. But hey, I guess there are various interpretations for her text just as there are for “I had a good Life”.


I always get a giggle when someone posts about my feelings toward the Kanareks and that I should get a life and stop letting the Kanareks live in my head. What I find amusing is these people have no idea what I think, how I live, or what motivates me, even after almost 27 months of my posts.

The Kanareks are insignificant in almost every way possible at this point. The only goal now is the help the primary victim heal, resume his Good Life, be absolutely protected from those who haven’t finished their mission, and to help him continue to seek the justice he deserves. That’s all - nothing more or less. And at my age I am a genuine expert at multitasking.


I hope Lauren gets the help she so desperately needs - and has needed for a very long time. Posting comments on YouTube will not help achieve that goal… being enabled will not help achieve that goal… what a sad situation.

[edit–responses to deleted posts]