Barisone assessment

Oh, okay.

So tell us, what is the truth about your daughter being discharged from the hospital, and proceeding directly to a hotel, instead of your home.

The legal documents related to MBs lawsuit against the local police noted that LK is not allowed to stay in the family home.

Is that true?


I am merely presenting the truth. That is what i care about. I do not care if you believe me. I wouldnt expect you to as you choose to believe lies told by the defense attorney to get his client off. She did not deserve to be almost killed by him no matter what happened.

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Is that what you think you are doing?


I’m too bored of the bickering and “I know I am but what are you?” tone this thread has taken but am genuinely curious; has @Seeker1 ever replied to the question above? It’s been asked dozens of times.

Seeker, since you say you are here to tell us all the truth and clear up the false narratives about your daughter, could you please shed some light on this question?


Legal peeps - Serious question. Not trying to be snarky, just curious. If someone is found NG and NGRI in a court of law for attempted murder, is it actionable defamation for another someone to continue to publicly declare that said person picked up a gun and tried to shoot someone?


In the past several months we’ve all enjoyed the overwhelming support on this forum for Michael Barisone and his eventual return to his Good Life. What a celebration we’ve had with the relief of the thought of seeing him back in the saddle or teaching eager students once again. Kindred spirits wishing the best for Michael and his loved ones and the hope that justice will truly be served eventually for all that was done to him and his business. :heartpulse:


I owe none of you explanations about anything. Dont you ever get tired?

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Will you be answering your own question to yourself???

This is sad. Very sad!


No. Not really.


Theoretically yes, but realistically defamation case wins are often harder than NGRI, (Johnny Depp aside) and there’s often a much better case out there, like, the current civil suit (personal injury). You have to be able to articulate the damages the defamatory statement cost. For Johnny Depp, he was dropped like a hot potato from Fantastic Beasts (which annoys me) and the Pirates’ franchise as soon as that op-Ed piece came out. Clear cut damages there.

Now, if someone were to be acquitted, and then win a civil case, and then someone was still posting false statements all over the internet, and you could prove the acquitted winner suffered some loss, that would be easier.


It’s been asked ad nauseum - but never answered why her mother sent her to a holiday inn instead of caring for her at home …. Don’t think it’s going to get answered.


No, it won’t ever be answered here and if on the slim chance an answer was given, it would probably be a lie.

The reality is the fact of it (banned from the family home) is enough to seriously raise eyebrows. I recall LK saying she was going to have Deininger disbarred for all he reported in his filing.


Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense.

On a personal sidebar: I was accused on this thread of making a defamatory statement. (Which it wasn’t). Considering the person accusing me didn’t incur any damages at all, I will sleep easier tonight. :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice group of people /sarcasm… Glad they are being exposed for who they are…. It’s actually quite frightening and concerning …. They are out there to do more harm - jeepers!


Nobody is disputing those facts.
What you seem unwilling to accept is your daughter’s role in that. She pushed him to that edge and planned to do it. Yes, she was shot and nearly died. Perhaps if she had made better choices and not planned to “Finish the Bastard” she would never have been involved in a shooting.


Definitely sleep easier, lol.


So why log on here and argue over it then?


Ok, I have two questions - first, if RG’s hand/arm was broken and required surgery to fix, why didn’t the prosecutor call RG’s surgeon to the stand to testify? Second - regarding the medi-vac, since RG was present when LK was taken to the hospital, and therefore saw her being transported via ambulance, why didn’t he correct or remind LK of this in the two years leading up to the trial?


Good questions!