Barisone assessment

Uhm no. I did not say it imply girlfriend status. I was talking about attention in a teachers pet kind of way. In a wants to be the prima ballerina type of way.

Yesterday I posted 2 screenshots of IM explaining this.


Didn’t LK testify that the dog was supposed to be kept tied up?


IANAL either but if it wasn’t proven that he short her twice he would be found Not Guilty just as he was for RG.


There are so many open questions and holes in their stories! All the phones on the table, how/when was the dog let out, lack of blood on clothing but LK says she was so coverd in blood she couldn’t dial the phone, BUT the photos of the phones showed no blood, on and on…


Yes but it was inside as there was not a word said of it being outside. I imagine with them being the only ones in the house as everyone else was sleeping elsewhere that the dog was loose in the house.

This would mean someone intentionally opened the door to let the dog out.

According to testimony LK had talked to MB and was walking back when RG walked past her on the way to speak to MB.

So who let Kujo out?

So either RG then engaged MB in a fight and the gun discharged while they scrambled and MBs arm was broken as the slide injured RGs finger resulting in discharge which hit inadvertently hit LK twice who then stumbled and reached to the door releasing the dog to join the man fight which LK eventually joined or some other such similar scenario.

In my version all the necessary elements of occurrence are ticked.

In the LK version there are too many holes.

My opinion.


What a shame self defense was not allowed. Would have been interesting. The verdict was a win in so many ways regardless.


If there was blood everywhere, and if I recall the testimony correctly, LK said she went inside the house/laundry area to get RG’s phone, wouldn’t there have been blood somewhere on or near the door, wall, floor, laundry machine, etc? The investigators could have also tested the phones for the presence of blood, right?


Going back…none of the pictures of the phones showed evidence of blood on them. If LK’s hands were covered in blood, to the point where she couldn’t call 911, the phones would have had blood. If she was holding the phone and shot point blank, the phone, that was protected by the umbrella, would have had GSR on it as well.

As far as the 911 call, I’ve always thought it odd that RG was able to be heard on it. It always sounded to me like he’d be too busy wrestling with MB to be so clearly able say what he said…which was “to get that curseword dog inside now”. Also, if he was saying to get the dog inside, the only person he could have been talking to was LK. It seems incredibly odd to me that he watched LK get shot, he had just dodged a bullet, he’s wrestling with MB; and yet he’s ordering her to put the dog up? And if she was hanging onto the dog with both hands and RG was doing whatever it was he doing with MB …that would explain why the phones were set aside on the umbrella.

However, the calm manner in which LK reports that she was shot, the address she was at, and RG ordering her to put up the dog convince me that they didn’t think she was so badly injured when they started the call. And I think the very quick police response time surprised them as well.

And one has to wonder why it is that they wouldn’t think LK was badly injured and RG would order her to put up the dog…


Absolutely, but the police apparently didn’t test for anything anywhere! So many questions would have been answered with proper police crime scene forensics.

Someone actually mentioned the possibility of a conspiracy involving the police! That seems very far fetched but you have to admit, the police really mess this entire situation up from the 1st 911 call!


One might think that if they had a bitey dog, who bit someone good enough the day before, and they knew said dog was supposed to be contained, because she’s a bitey thing, one would have taken precaution to ensure said bitey dog actually was contained when they either a) went outside to hand the phone to LK (because she didn’t answer her own when ED called) or b) when They went outside to see why MB was there when the truck pulled up, or, c) when LK went back inside to tell RG to come outside because MB was there, or whichever version we are sticking with. Those are just three from testimony and SM posts, off the top of my head.


Of MBs


Our Tippy was like that. Only thing she didn’t kill was possums. She would drop them and then wonder where the heck they went! Oh and cats. She loved cats. They were her friends. Sure she would chase them for fun. But then they would chase her. Everything else well she disposed of them. Best farm dog ever. She didn’t have a let go either. So the cat love was a very good thing!


This, to me, is virtually inexplicable. Why would RG be yelling at - with cursing - the person who was just shot to put the dog in the house?

They are asking us to believe that he witnessed her get shot twice, she claims she was instantly covered in blood, blood running down her arms, covering her hands, making her phone slippery, and he was yelling at her to put the :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: dog inside now!

That was how he began his fight for LK’s and his lives? Hey, gunshot victim, stop faffing about over there bleeding out and get this :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: dog out of my way!

It makes no sense whatsoever and it is one of the few things that was recorded so we know how it happened. How can anyone explain that in any reasonable way?


There is also the oft mistaken use of the word corroborate when discussing ED and the 911 call. In order for the two to have corroborated each other, they had to have actually heard the same things. ED and 911 were not party to the same events and so they cannot corroborate each other.


Do you recall if a timeline was mentioned during the trial, between when MB arrived, the phone call from ED and the phone call to 911? I think there was a timestamp somewhere for ED’s call, but I don’t remember when that came out.


I never heard a time stamp on when the events happened other than a generic: and this, then this, now that happened…

We might know when CPS showed up and we know when the police showed up…

For all I know, MB could have been down there for 45 minutes.


Y’all were laughing at him when he testified in the trial for running and ducking back into the house with MB shooting and LK bleeding out. There were scurrilous things said about his courage. So if he dove back into the house and then ran back out of the house to tackle MB when he wasn’t shooting, how would the dog have stayed in?


I’m going according to his sworn testimony at trial. What reference are YOU using?


Then maybe LK shouldn’t have mischaracterized his heroics for two years. The prosecutor is the one who portrayed him as fleeing into the house for all the world to hear in both his opening and closing statements.

ETA: fleeing into the house like the prosecution described is the expected response. Dodging bullets like LK suggests is the unrealistic one.


The camera went off at 1.42