Barisone assessment

And the LK crew had absolute meltdown when I suggested that the trio of cameras would have all caught RG if he’d gone inside and changed clothes or otherwise entered the apartment….

Wasn’t he supposedly doing laundry right around when the shooting happened?


No basis for it, no evidence.


Depends on the version you’re reading or listening to. Sometimes he’s doing laundry and the camera notifications are bugging him, sometimes he’s laying on the bed watching tv/talking on phone and cameras are…?


Because of a lack of an actual investigation and shoddy forensics.


Some men think women are superwomen. He testified he didn’t realize until he saw blood on her back.

The rain was washing away the blood.

We’ve had various medical people comment that when people are in shock, they may not realize they are injured.

She was saying on the phone she was losing a lot of blood.

RG testified she thinks she helped him but she wasn’t because she was too out of it. She testified to a lot of running in circles but again I chalk that up to her induced coma/PTSD/pain med nightmares. I’m not sure how much she could remember though if she was having nightmares she might think she did.

I had a family member lose so much blood in surgery once that she lost a chunk of memory.


Who let the dog out?


It was not raining at the time of the shooting.


They had enough. When the police questioned everyone and searched then they learned a timeline of MB asking the DCCP person and MHG to leave the office. They are told he walked off with RC’s Ruger a few days earlier to put it in the safe in the office. The safe in the office is left open after MB left but was closed prior to his leaving.

Hearsay, but he did tell the mental health experts he got the gun out of the safe.


Apparently they didn’t have enough as no one was convicted.


And LK posted of coming across an unsecured Ruger and posted about having a Ruger.


My guess is RG did when he was fleeing for his life from MB then returning to tackle MB when the gun stopped shooting. In the door. Out the door. Fast. I don’t remember anyone testifying how or when the dog got out though. I’ve never known how the dog wouldn’t get out in that kind of chaos.

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Who let the dog out?


Fleeing for his life? According to LK RG went into hero Marine mode and tackled MB where the police found them.

The lack of testimony about the dog is because it screws with the made up story in my opinion.


Again, don’t you think in the last two years that she was posting on here that she was crouched over MB’s head beating the crap out of MB’s head with her phone that RG would have corrected her? Anyone would have corrected her misunderstanding of events?


What about in the version he told when he actually didn’t flee for his life, he ducked, waited on the porch for MB to come close enough and then punched him? In that version, he didn’t go in the house, yet Rosie was still out biting people, as is her wont.


Because the jury believed he was delusional so he was NGRI

NOt Guilty by Reason of Insanity - he did the deed but he was delusional and unable to have a criminal intent. (Delusion being LK was threat his life. This isi what the defense mental health experts said and the jury believed them)

Guilty. He did it and he meant to do it. (This is what the prosecutor’s mental health expert said)

Not Guilty by Self Defense - there was evidence showing he was attacked.

Not Guilty - he didn’t do it. (RG)


He was not convicted. He is NOT GUILTY. This has been explained ad nauseum. It’s been explained so often every reader understands it by now.

Not Guilty.

It is not a verdict of Guilty - but insane.

Not Guilty. There was no attempt at murder because he was unable to form intent.


As far as RG it was a straight Not Guilty. Forensics sucked. Guess police should have done better. Maybe then we’d know who let the dog out.

But then again maybe the narrative of MB being the victim would have come to light.


That song (Who Let The Dogs Out) is now stuck in my head, thank you very much.


I have posted that video here twice now!!