Barisone assessment

Okay, the ‘who let the dog out’ thing is getting to me.

At my house, the front screen door latches itself. When it is let go, it quickly closes and latches. I don’t open the door W-I-D-E when I go out and come in. That’s because I have three dogs and several cats that I don’t wish to get hit by cars at the nearby, relatively busy intersection. (To tell the truth, NONE of my cats have showed the SLIGHTEST interest in going outside.)

The back screen door is different. It is very old and doesn’t latch at all. I have a hook-and-eye on it to secure it closed. Now, when I go outside, two of my three dogs will stand at that door and watch me. The two will act as if leaving is impossible. The third will push her nose against the door, open it, and follow me outside to the (fenced-in) yard.

Now, IF I were being attacked in my front yard, it’s possible one of my Dobermans MIGHT throw him/herself against the front screen door, dislodging the latch. That might or might not cause discernable damage to the front screen door. I DID have a dog long ago that twice broke my front living room window when he saw a dog being walked and lunged at the window aggressively.

So, it’s possible that the ‘dog let herself out.’ And to be truthful, IF I were being attacked, I would hope that they would love me enough to try to rescue me. Dogs don’t know if their animals are creeps or reprobates; as long as you love them and feed them. And with tension in the air, emotions running high, well…

I’m not presenting a ‘this is how it happened’, just how it might at MY house.


[edit–removed quote of deleted post]

Just a reminder of the mod’s message earlier today:


Sure. But the testimony doesn’t say that. It’s simply and suspiciously glossed over and not addressed.


I GOTTA start going to bed earlier. It’s 2:24 a.m. here.

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Anyone else had a dog knock their legs out from under them when making a break through the door because of something like SQUIRREL? (Capitalized not to be a smart ass but in memory of one of my favorite movies Up.

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Why you ARE sleeping. This is just a dream.


Thanks for the calmer chat. Battery is about out and I’m beat and have to meet the vet and farrier tomorrow early. Good night.

Edited to make battery singular.


So now the dog broke through the house?



Our patio door at our old place was like this. The screen door never locked well and my cat learned to open the door just wide enough to slip out. Thankfully, the patio was enclosed so the worst she ever did was lie down outside.

If Rosie got out by herself or was unintentionally let out, maybe no one testified about it because they didn’t know? If they tried to guess or say anything other than “I don’t know” (if they really didn’t know), it would probably get called out as hearsay. Or maybe it was agreed upon before hand, with the judge, to not go into it? I’m not very familiar with court proceedings.

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Never been knocked around by my dog, tbh. She also knows better than to go after prey without command, but YMMV.


This was no ordinary dog. This was a dog that had just bitten someone, I think Cox. Failure to secure such a dog then would be a highly actionable lawsuit. I hear dog bite cases get a lot of $$$ and given previous bites seems an easy case.

So to my mind either someone intentionally let the dog out meaning the testified narrative was a lie OR there is failure to properly secure a known biter which subjects the owner to law suit.



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Or, they’re trying to keep their alternate “truth” out there to influence the civil trial.


Would MB’s side be able to get medical records from RG’s treatment that might detail the injury?


Not per our legal eagles. Go back and look at the many legal explanations. The Barisone Verdict thread contains quite a few. Warning/Clue: Latin is involved.

Won’t address this again since you’re not wanting to be educated.


For me, the failure to collect/process forensic evidence had to be either incompetence or the incestuous relationship between those in the legal and LE fields of that local area.


I don’t know if it’s possible for someone not a party to the action. @ekat?


Sorry if someone mentioned this already. Wasn’t it clarified that the voice on the recording cursing to put the dog away was actually Heymer, the first LE officer on-scene? Or am I mis-remembering?