Barisone assessment

Also, has anyone else noted that now, in June 2022 “finish the bastard” is a quote (regarding finishing writing a book) and only after I pointed out that Lauren Shay Kanarek is no Lisbeth Salander? And Michael Barisone is clearly not Alexander Zalachenko?

I don’t believe in coincidences and it underscores that Lauren isn’t an original thinker. Based on her posts here and elsewhere she isn’t a good writer either.


He was the first officer on the scene and the one who patched Lauren up, so the EMTs could get her loaded up and to the hospital. He is the officer in the agency who is trained and certified to provide wound care in emergency situations, so she was incredibly lucky that he happened to be in the area.


But I also thought that it was verified that he (Heymer) was the one shouting to get the dog in the house, not RG, as a couple of posters were thinking. I was trying to determine if that, in fact, had been confirmed.


It started raining after cops arrived.


The truth as described by someone who admitted on the stand that they lie for attention, the same someone whose lies have been proven as lies time and time again.


You’re hearing the “put the dog in house” on the call with ED I believe. ED call ends before call to 911 is made.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification!

I meant to reply to this yesterday.

Ghazzu, I think the irony of your post was lost on everyone. Although there was video of her testimony, she didn’t bleed out during her testimony. Nor was she dying during her testimony. :upside_down_face:


I believe you are mistaken, A_F, the only call recorded and played that I recall was the 911 call. Also, the door to the house swings inward, not outward. So someone had to pull the door open to let Rosie out.


Was that the show where she completed requirements for her Bronze Medal? What level was it? And what level was she showing at prior to the shooting incident?

You are misremembering. I was listening to the recorded 911 call when I made the post. The comment comes immediately after LK gives the address to the 911 lady and you can hear her calling “sir” and trying to get his attention. There is no one on scene yet but LK and RG.


Maybe this is the origin of RG diving into the house to dodge the bullet….the excuse to explain Rosie being out?


[quote=“cutter99, post:2220, topic:773116, full:true”]

Since she apparently had a persecution complex before the shooting (“I’m being bullied by a 6’3” man!"), I can understand how her paranoia was exacerbated after she was shot. It must have been a terrible shock to her that her victim fought back. And drugs of various sorts probably also exacerbated her mania.


No, Fiesta, they haven’t.

Ekat corrected my language on “legally insane” vs “criminally insane” (which I appreciate).

The jury determined that wrt to LK, the state had proved its case on all elements of the attempted murder charge except for the aspect having to do with his state of mind. It’s a big exception and explains why he was not found guilty of attempted murder of LK.

According to the judges glow chart for the jury, the jury would never even gotten to the phase of considering the defense’s affirmative case of insanity unless they determined that, beyond a reasonable doubt, the prosecution had successfully established that he shot her.

Ekat said that she, personally, was not convinced he shot her. She also said, I think, that possibly some jurors were uncertain and “compromised” instead of genuinely agreeing unanimously that the prosecution had proved its case. But Ekat was not on the jury. If jurors joined the unanimous verdict because they compromised because they wanted to finish the verdict, they still signed in to a unanimous decision that implies agreement with the notion that the prosecution established all the elements of its case wet LK aside from state of mind considerations.

The jury’s decision doesn’t establish that her shot her with absolute certainty, just beyond a reasonable doubt. A different jury might have decided differently. But that jury unanimously agreed that, beyond a reasonable doubt, he shot her.


Thanks for the clarification!

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You should collaborate with Dr. Schlessinger, who I still think must be itching to write a book about LK. :smile:


Exactly this.

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Yeah, I was gone for about 12-13 hours to eat dinner, watch Westminster, and get some shuteye - and came back this morning to find over 300 new posts. I’m still catching up.


LK was talking to ED on RGs phone when she was shot by Barisone.


It’s a shame her juvenile records won’t be opened up for the civil case. I would not be one bit surprised if there is info there that would raise some eyebrows.