Barisone assessment

Well, I think it’s fair to say we all are guilty of remembering and spewing what we want to remember.

I’m not interested in rewatching the trial. Sorry.

I’ll accept your assertion that there were texts between MB and MHG that indicated they wanted to apply emotional pressure and get to her to ‘self select’ and just leave the farm. It’s not nice… nor the ideal way for a professional to handle a situation… but you do realize that this is somewhat common in boarding situations?

I think to really get an accurate understanding of why they were resorting to these tactics to get Lauren and Rob to leave, we need to have a more full understanding of how the agreement for them to stay at the farmhouse in the spring of 2019 was reached. There is a lot of speculation about that on these forums… much of which involves your husband pressuring MB. Any insight to offer on that?

You are certainly correct - if all parties had remained calm, and covered all aspects of the business and tenant arrangement with a written contract from the VERY BEGINNING, it all might have ended differently. I don’t think anyone has a full understanding of why things weren’t handled that way (with respect to the lack of written contracts) except for those directly involved.


LK said on the stand that she went inside (or maybe just to the entrance of the house) to grab another phone because the one in her hand wasn’t working (if I recall correctly). That second phone is what my question referred to.


I think you’re right, it wouldn’t be possible. But he’s going to testify again. Odds are good there will be a new and improved version from him again.


Idk that exposing you for who you are is a secret campaign to ruin you(g). Or maybe I just couldn’t care less if someone’s bad behavior comes around to bite them on the arse. If your reputation is ruined due to something you did or how you acted, that’s on you. Crazy, innit.


I’m still having trouble understanding the sequence of what happened with the phones. I THINK her testimony went something like this… but someone can correct me if I am wrong… which I probably am…

she was talking with ED on RGs phone when she was shot. Then… she either dropped that phone or set it down on a table outside while she wandered around in shock after being shot. Then… she realized she needed to call 911, and picked up her own phone… which was sitting on a deck railing or table outside… but she couldn’t get it to work to dial 911 because of blood on her hands… then she went looking for RGs phone to call the police?

I’m not sure at which point in that sequence of events she hit MB in the head with her cell phone, as he was struggling with RG, and RG was trying to subdue him. She testified to doing that as well though, following the shooting. And apparently this happened on the landing.

And… there were pictures from the scene showing phones on a table outside, I think. But… I wasn’t clear if the police found the scene that way or not.


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MB’s phone was on a table. LK and RG’s phone were stacked on the base of the umbrella on the patio.


Ahhhh - key details. Interesting.

Did the police ever clarify if that is how they found the scene in the immediate aftermath?


Seems like someone spent alot of time on search engines in order to make that quote seem more benign by attempting to attribute it to someone famous.


They did. The phones were found stacked on the umbrella, right next to the area where LK/RG/MB were found.


Not to my knowledge or recollection

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To be fair, it is my understanding that entrance wounds are often pretty small and when they showed her shirt during testimony, the defects on the front were quite small - one seemed almost undiscernible on the video until the detective put his finger on it.

Also, IIRC, RG testified that he didn’t realize she had been shot until she turned around to do something - I can’t remember if it was to get the phone, get the dog, or what - but that is when he saw the bullet holes in her back. Exit wounds tend to be slightly larger, esp. if the round hit bone and tumbled through the body.

Caveat: I am speaking of ball ammo, which I believe is what was used in this incident. Other types of rounds such as hollow-points usually cause significantly larger exit wounds.


Now I finally am locking on and understanding why do many on these forums focused on the phones so much. I completely missed this part of trial testimony.

This is weird.

For phones to have gotten this way… MB would have to have set his down on the table prior to shooting LK. And LK would have had to stack both phones and place them on the base of the umbrella before passing out.


We all watched the trial (some of us multiple times). Mhg testified to no such thing. Applying pressure to force a boarder to move out is NOT the same as trying to “ruin” someone, unlike your daughter who clearly stated her goal to ruin MB.


16 minutes into his closing argument, Mr Schellhorn suggests the phones were moved by the police because of the rain. (Which flies in the face of actual crime scene investigation, but ok)


Regardless of which “side” you are on, I don’t know how some people cannot recognize how weird this crime scene was and how poorly the crime scene was analyzed and processed.


It seems LE spent more time interviewing people at the barn than “working” the actual scene.


Okay, fine, then I think the likely scenario was that RG shot “at her” to give them an excuse to have beaten MB and he didn’t realize he was a bad aim and actually shot her. I simply don’t believe MB was the one who shot her.


Oh, that is one thing I think we all agree on - this crime scene was f*cked up five ways from Sunday. From the lost recordings to the handling of evidence, every single cop involved in that scene needs to go back for more training.

This very well might have been a completely different trial had the evidence been handled correctly & consistently by law enforcement.


That would depend on the strength of the rain. It would have to be raining really hard to wash away significant blood. Blood is sticky.