Barisone assessment

I’d like to know why LK searched exploding bullets.


And why I think the 911 call was staged. No reason to set the phone down unless she was trying to manhandle the dog with both hands (it is a big dog that was going nuts. It was probably barking so much because they were pulling it off of it’s target.) as she was using speakerphone to make the call. If she had just passed out the phone wouldn’t have stacked in such a nice neat way, nor would the 911 call have caught RG and the police officer so cleanly if it wasn’t on speaker….


Lk asked to move out earlier and mb told her if she did he would get her banned and then proceeded to ask her to buy and bring more horses. She did that. Michael even made arrangements to quarantine the horses for her.i believe that was in july but not sure.


In a YouTube post, she claims it was after the shooting because she wanted to understand the damage done to her. :woman_shrugging:

So if that was the case (I can’t remember) - it means that Rosie was already outside when the shots were fired.

I have often wondered if Rosie was outside with LK before MB arrived (when LK was reading on the loveseat). And if so, was Rosie loose? Did they allow a dog that was a known biter to be loose?


I predict with all these logical theories floating around that the OTHER side will grow desperate and post ridiculous things in an attempt to derail the conversation. We must be getting very close to the actual scenario. And the more ridiculous the post, the more fearful they must be.


None of that was stated during the trial - people with better memories than mine, please correct me if I’m wrong.

And frankly, given the mental & verbal gymnastics you’ve shown to justify your daughter’s behavior, I’m going to need some video proof that this happened before I think of it as anything other than yet another attempt to muddy the very clear fact that LK undertook a determined and systematic campaign to wreck MB’s life both personally and professionally.


Yes, fearful that the civil trial will unleash enough evidence to show the verdict was wrong and should have been all NG.


I actually was about to say this same thing. The happenings outside may have amped her up and she hit the door hard enough to open it. But my other thought about it is that would have made a great addition to testimony. It would seem that they are deliberately trying to not mention the dog. Which makes me wonder if letting her out was planned.


My search for the phrase brings up a short story by William S. Burroughs from 1972–“The End”–and the context is a cop beating up a drunk.


Why did Heymer say “Get on the ground…” if MB was already face down on the ground with RG sitting on top of him? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


LK testified that she was supposed to be kept on a tie out, or words to that affect, which is why it concerns me that she was able to get out so easily. If, less than 24 hours prior, my dog bit someone badly enough an ambulance was called, you better believe there’s no chance my dog is going to find an escape route and an opportunity to bite anyone else.


I am not justifying anything. I am just telling you what happened. She did have a horse that was flown over, Michael did make arrangements to quarantine. There are records of this.


Ok, assuming that LK actually asked to move out earlier, she’s a grown adult and could’ve just said no and left. Ultimately, that choice was still hers.

Ban her from what? If he had no grounds, the she wouldn’t be banned. If the USEF is so corrupt (if that’s what the reasoning is going to be) I wouldn’t want to give them my money anyway.

As for MB asking her to stay or bring more horses, perhaps he was trying to work things out and keep a client happy. Idk.


Around here no one ever seem to think the police will act on consecutive bites. Even though they do. Dog owners seem to think they can talk their way out of it. And when they can’t they look to social media and find support.
So knowing that first hand and seeing the types of things the dog owners have said and done I am not convinced they would be too concerned about securing a dog with a bite record.


I call bs


Good question.


Me too. Specifically because if it had happened after the shooting and once she was well enough to be searching stuff it most likely wouldn’t have been disclosed to the defense for the trial.


Didn’t Bilinkas give a date for that search? That and the CPS hotline number search? I remember they were both before the shooting.


But remember, JH stole her phone and did tech like things to it to make it look like she did stuff?

Also, the disclosures came from the phones in evidence. Not ones acquired after the shooting.