Barisone assessment

Totally off piste here, but can’t help reading this as “the Finnish bastard”




This is an important point. Please notice JK is at the center of everything, and apparently has been for many years. From paying to negotiating to bailing out to being the gruff, threatening man on the other end of the phone when demanding so-and-so complies with his request(s). JK is deeply involved in everything and was aware of the plans to destroy MB/MHG. If he had any thought to stop those plans, he failed miserably. JK seems to have instantly moved into a damage control mode to protect his assets, which is wise. I would expect he will be involved in much of the evidence presented at the civil trials. It seems the roles between LK and JK change on a dime based on circumstances. RG is nothing more than a pseudo employee doing their bidding. Lots to come out in the coming months.


This is something I have never heard claimed before.


Yes, RG was busy subduing/assaulting MB… and then after stating “I’m losing alot of blood. I’m dy…” LK gave the phone to RG, who, upon being handed it, like most people do when beginning a conversation, says “hello? Hello?”. :wink:


when you only listen to 1/2 a story you may not hear the whole story.


Something must be going very badly in the Kanarek world this week. We are being fed all kinds of new claims today.

Wonder if has anything to do with the civil trial or the 48 Hours interview??? Hmmmmm…


Maybe a combo of both.


Or maybe they have been informed that MB could possibly be released from AK following his July assessment?


You might be on to something @Virginia_Horse_Mom!


Why? What does that do for them? Puts them in jail with nothing.

Eh, it’s one of those things where the truth will come out and no one can stop it. If you don’t like the truth, then that’s your problem. Creating false narratives, distractions, and wherever else don’t take away from the truth bring the truth.

I will say, based off of mannyyy other civil trials, this one has the potential to be really ugly with a lot of dirty laundry scattered about.


Yes those are fair points. However, some people believe that they’re above all of that and that they can get away with it. It can be hard to comprehend because it’s often different from the “normal” persons reality or way of thinking/living. People concoct all sorts of weird and crazy plans to commit crimes and get out of doing the time, or being caught. Sometimes it actually works. The thing we have to remember is that there are different types of people out there so while we may see something as totally irrational, or even pointless, others don’t see it that way or can even make some sort of opportunity out of it. Mostly generally speaking here.


My Transcript written based on the 911 call played during the trial

911 call dated 8_7_19.pdf (33.5 KB)


So, RG basically heard her saying she’s been shot in the heart multiple times…yet he still tells her to put up the dog.


yes. that stands out doesn’t it


And obviously he did not have the phone physically in his hands if he was trying to make MB pass out. The question “baby? must be when realized LK was passed out….which is very late in the call considering she says she is dying at the beginning.

Still not convinced this wasn’t staged.


Such frantic scurrying to change the narrative of testimony, evidence and verdict of a criminal trial is interesting to see. This is FACT: prior to the televised trial there was a significant portion of followers of the event convinced LK was an innocent victim of a nasty old man who attempted to murder her and her buddy. Since the verdict that pendulum has completely swung to the opposite direction. That didn’t happen due to anything posted on this little forum! That happened due to people watching the trial, seeing the people involved, hearing the ever changing prosecution witness testimony coupled with the expert defense witnesses and attorneys. The “victims” were not and still are not credible. That is not going to change and the more anyone tries to untwist the pretzel of their documented behavior only shows how guilty they really are of the events leading up to 8/7/19.

Trying to rehash the verdict here is like pi$$ing against the wind as my daddy would say. It is apparent there are a dedicated few people and family members who, for some reason, believe they can hopefully influence the far off civil trials by their argumentative posts. No one cares about this forum - not 48 Hours, or the general public!

The targeting of posters with constant harassing posts is inappropriate. Believe me, I’ve been the target since September 2019, and I’m not going anywhere until Michael Barisone is completely vindicated. My reasons and personal financial and time commitment are no one’s business.


Off subject
In Bill Cosby’s civil trial, he has to pay plaintiff $500K but no punitive damages were awarded. The news reports said his attorneys were happy with the verdict but were appealing anyway.
Is this common in civil trials to appeal the amount even if it is considered a fair amount?

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