Barisone assessment

The lawyers on YouTube discussing the JD/AH trial said its very standard to file an appeal.


Yes, is not what the attorneys think, is the clients thoughts that drive litigation. Attorneys can only suggest or quit.



Ha ha it wasn’t me

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Note, RG states, after “you move again I will break it. I will break your f’in arm!
"He’s moving. I gotta put the phone down."


The biggest example of this, for me, is how RG keeps noting they were absolutely shocked to find out there was a shovel in the truck. That as a HUGE bombshell gotcha for them.

For me, I struggled to think of a barn truck I’d ever seen without a shovel in it. I mean that sincerely. Every farm truck I’ve even been in had a random collection are normal farm implements rattling around in the back. Some in the US even had shotguns in a rack across the rear windscreen. But a shovel was standard barn vehicle equipment. I could never have twisted that into a bombshell piece of evidence to prove a murder plot. It would not have occurred to me in a million years.


Very creative.


This is blatantly a speakerphone call, so interesting.


Well given that from the inside the door opens IN and not OUT not so creative.


Hadn’t that dog bitten or threatened others, prior to biting RC?
Talk about a liability. Hard to find a place to rent with a dog with that kind of bad behavior and lacking training or supervision.


I believe Kujo had bitten others.


About the possibility that rain washed the blood off of the phones–

I have mentioned somewhere/some thread where I am an addict of “Forensic Files”, “The New Detectives”, and similar shows. It has been stated multiple times that no matter HOW HARD someone tries to remove traces of blood (bleach, steam cleaners, etc.), there is something (iron?) in the blood which remains. The police spray something (I forget) which makes the presence/lack of blood glow in the dark. (I’m sure if the blood was visible, they wouldn’t have to spray).

So, IF the rain washed all blood off of the phones, the police could have sprayed for it. That would entail, though, actually doing forensic work at the scene. And well…

Last night, in one program, the police found a drop of blood ('size of pencil eraser) which helped solve the crime. Oh, and there was a “documentary” shown about how the television program, “Forensic Files”, was created and developed. As good or better than the programs themselves–I highly recommend it.

And I have a new television obsession–“See No Evil” (all the seasons on Discovery+). The programs tell how a crime is solved using video/security cameras from businesses and homes. Sometimes the evidence is so miniscule, but they find it. If someone at THIS crime scene had ONLY had an active security camera…


The other interesting thing…he mentions the gun is underneath MB before mentioning breaking his arm….how did MB break RG’s hand in the struggle and then RG break MB’s arm using a broken hand?


Why lie? That is not what google results in. When searching the exact terms on google, 39 results occur. Only one of those results have anything to do with Hunter. S. Thompson. That is not even what he says. When searching google for the exact term “Finish the Bastard,” the most results pulled are from an Israeli situation where Israel accuses China of anti-semitism. The reporting agency says “Bring it on. Just finish the bastard.” All of the comments and information are in Israeli. The single result to Hunter S. Thompson regarding a letter containing the quote somewhat close to “Finish the Bastard” is actually - “ Just to finish the Bastard is enough.” However, the letter has so many serious racial slurs that I can not post the letter to the forum. Why any Hunter S. Thompson fan would idealize this letter is beyond me. It is not a well known letter but part of a series of letters that were sold. Who wants to immortalize such a racist letter? The Rum Diaries also had extremely strong racial undertones (references to Nazism and is probably his most racist work). Why Rum Diaries and this letter would be significant or a favorite piece to any Thompson fan is beyond me. It makes the quote “Finish the Bastard” even more disturbing if it is actually pulled from this letter because the letter is so profoundly racist.


The beauty of the Google Algorithms. Every single one of us that Google the phrase will get different results. I used IMDB yesterday for a show I was watching. I currently get a whole string of movie / tv results for a show called “The Bastard Executioner” (that I’ve never heard of).


Interesting….LK and the fam are Jewish.

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Google the phrase to include every word by using quotations, not just any word of the phrase. When googling any word of the phrase you will get endless (and irrelevant) results. Google “Finish the Bastard” and you will get results of the actual quote.

ETA: HH is saying that the phrase “Finish the bastard” is a famous Hunter S. Thompson quote. It is not. That is not even what Thompson says exactly. The closest thing is pulled from a letter written by Thompson that is extremely racist and if the term came from that letter, I find it even more disturbing.


To be fair, this changed my results… But now they are totally random and still not yours