Barisone assessment

So that would be another topic I’ve wondered about. Fake juries are hired so defense and litigation attorneys can get a feel for what approaches work in court. Some of the posters came on after Bilinkas was hired and started feeding his defense to social media including this one. They have been relentless in this other story line.

How much is SM used in influencing the jury pool and a jury in session. How can the courts stop jury members and family members of the jury from looking at social media? Will juries need to be sequestered more often?

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I disagree. Those were my exact results. The top result is the one I even mentioned: “Bring it on. Just finish the bastard” in my post.

note to self: buy lockable medicine cabinet…


Interesting, I didn’t get that from your description. Happy to be corrected. I have, however, seen different things come up side by side when googling stuff with my husband, so I do know it happens.


Since you are in a Googling mood, if you Google Ed Bilinkas and read all of his background, you will learn he is considered a master at jury selection, opening and closing arguments, and thoughtful pauses while considering his next questions.


well, they didn’t do any crime scene investigation so it is possible.
The PD there is making the Keystone Cops look like an elite LEO bunch.


My guess is that she was thinking about “expanding bullets” but couldn’t remember the exact term so searched instead for “exploding bullets.”

As to why - that is a good question. Is that when she learned that hollow points were seriously illegal in NJ? And again - why? Was she hoping to obtain some for her own purposes? Or did she have something more nefarious in mind, like planting them in the safe so MB would face even more serious gun charges when authorities arrived to investigate allegations of children at risk due to firearms on the property?

So many questions…


the police officer attending said Rob didn’t say that, I did.


The concern should be just as high for witnesses. Since LK was caught logged in on COTH before her testimony…


I’m still hundreds of posts behind, but 2 things on my mind -

Re: evidence for self defense
There was no evidence of self defense. That doesn’t rule out the possibility that self defense happened. It means there is no evidence. For example, it can be difficult or even impossible to charge someone with murder without a body. But the lack of body does not prove someone is not missing or even dead.

And the cell phones. How did the phones end up where they were found? IRRC, the location the phones were found did not align with testimony. And as someone mentioned, no blood on the phones.


That is is a direct quote from the 911 call, played out loud during the trial:

Note, RG states, after “ you move again I will break it. I will break your f’in arm!
" He’s moving. I gotta put the phone down ."


It’s the stuff Columbo would have pointed out in the first 5 minutes upon arrival at the scene…

besides, unless you have actually heard gunfire, you really are not aware how loud it actually is. I know, we have plenty of movies and TV shows, but it is not the same.
So some other device - cap gun perhaps - could have been used to make the noise.
And since the PD never secured a thing, the intrepit RG could have vanished it as he ran around the scene.


I would use the term “paid companion”.


Once again, don’t argue with the same people over the exact same thing.


He used employee, I think…


I believe there was a 3 man team to go through the house and then the barn and the crime scene investigators outside and I think it started raining when they arrived…

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Given her penchant for lying and embellishing things to suit her own worldview, I am inclined to think the conversations may have gone something like this.

MB: “Of course MHG gets more of my focus. She has multiple very nice horses, she is dedicated, she puts in the work.”

LK: “Daddy, MB says I am going to need another horse in order to advance more with my riding.”

LK: “MB, Daddy thinks I should get another horse that can help me progress faster.”

MB: “Uh, ok. But don’t ask me to subsidize that one the same way I am subsidizing your other horses.”

LK (bats her false eyelashes): “Don’t worry, Daddy says he will work something out. You’ll see.”


I would think if the cops moved the phones, for whatever reason, they, being cops, would have noticed while moving them if one was so soaked in blood it wouldn’t dial.

I mean, isn’t that the job when arriving on scene, to start noticing things?


Ah, yes. The “crocodile tears” portion of the trial. That moment of the trial stood out to me as well.


well, in the olden days, ladies of the upper crust often had paid companions. Bought friends, if you will.
employee sounds better than kept man.