Barisone assessment

not RG talking. Heyman said he said that. People in the court room gasped


give me an example please and back it or or kindly don’t say it.


Should you ever decide to retire from your veterinarian gig, I would like to formally invite you to join the Professional Librarian ranks, because that there’s some darn good sleuthing!


I had a similar thought.
A shovel is used for so much on a farm.
I did use one to bury a body the other day. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It was a dead animal. I figured that was the easiest way to get rid of it.
After burying something that weighed just a couple of pounds I know for a fact that burying a human is outside my ability.

I know this happens too.
I have said it lots of times on this very forum, google hates me. I can type the exact same thing in as the person next to me, they get results, I get nothing related to what I wanted.

This is an interesting point I had not thought of. Good point. After you (general) have lived with someone who likes to make things up for dramatic purposes (admitted this on the stand) I can totally see not paying much attention to them in this type of situation.

Oh yum!


I listened to the 911 call as have others. You aren’t fooling anyone by calling us liars.


[quote="hut-ho78, pFake juries are hired so defense and litigation attorneys can get a feel for what approaches work in court. Some of the posters came on after Bilinkas was hired and started feeding his defense to social media including this one. They have been relentless in this other story line.

How much is SM used in influencing the jury pool and a jury in session. How can the courts stop jury members and family members of the jury from looking at social media? Will juries need to be sequestered more often?post:2662, topic:773116"]
Social Media influence is first managed by the attorneys during voir dire. After that, the judge can order the jury to not look at social media, tv or newspapers about the trial. This has been an issue since forever, SM just added to an existing problem. Whether or not jurors can stay off of it is also an old problem. Some people can’t not do what they are prohibited from doing. That’s not new.


A “voice” could be heard saying that but the officer at the scene said that he said that and not Rob. Shall I get the clip?


Ok this may take awhile but I will try

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I’ve listened to it enough to know the real truth, thank you.


well… if I play it for you or send you the link will you apologize?


No, because you aren’t correct.



Exploding bullets blow up in the firearm and hurt the shooter not the intended target.

Hollow points spread on impact and make a little hole in and a big hole out. They have maximum stopping power and are used by police and civilians for self protection.

Full metal jackets are good for hunting and used by dedicated hunters who hunt for sport and eat what they kill because they do not destroy the meat. They can have a lead tip. Some are called “cop killers” but that term is generally misused by the public and have a full steel jacket and enough load to penetrate body armor.

Rounds for the M16A1 (and AR15) are full metal jackets made to tumble and travel up or down bone causing an evacuation injury more often than death in order to to tie up more manpower (the one shot and the ones assisting). They are more effective for battle. Some say they use the AR15 for hunting but other than hunting feral hogs for sport not meat, I never quite understood that. Some use them for sport shooting.

There are probably some dedicated target shooters and hunters who can elaborate more.

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If they were safeguarding them for future forensic evaluation, I would expect them to be moved out of the rain.


A photo of them in the position they were found before they were moved out of the rain might have been a good idea. Alas, not to this bumbling crew.


Then why didn’t the prosecution present the photo of the phones where they lay before they were moved. I recall (could be wrong) that Bilinkas asked several times if the photos were exactly as the scene was after the three subjects were removed and the response was yes. So, I can’t speak to your suggestion other than proof of what you suggest was not presented.


Then once again, the crime scene was tainted and so were the photos. Do I recall a photo with a cup or something on the ground and the witness was asked what the cup was for? The response was to protect the item (shell casing) from washing away. The same thing could have been done for the phones. It’s crucial evidence yet this bumbling PD blew so much evidence.


I love that brochure. The artwork is so fun. (I guess I am weird, but yes, I truly think the artwork on a brochure about composting bodies is creative.)

I also think that is the perfect way to get rid of a large animal. Not sure if one human will make enough heat for it to work. Do you think two humans will work?


Yes! They did, in fact, put things over some of the items on the ground. How they decided what to protect and what to just go ahead and move before it’s photographed, I dunno.


You can accuse me of being wrong but I’m not lying. My guess is algorithms brought up various search results for different people. Nice mine brought up literature.