Barisone assessment

Thanks. Listened today.


If you are interested trubandoki, take the time to listen. It is only about 15 or less min long. Heymer said what he said on the testimony following.

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I am interested in what point you are disputing. What are you saying was not said by Rob that was said by Heymer? What is it that we must pay attention to?

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More to the point, I’m sure if I went and looked I have a screenshot of LK “quoting” this phrasing and attributing it to RG from before the trial….


You can pay attention to whatever you want trubandloki

Thanks @Sdel. That is what I thought, which confused me because I thought more than one person said that was Rob and the officer said his first words were something different.


well it is all there for us to hear. So listen and don’t ask me questions please.


Thank you for the permission.


anytime! :slight_smile:

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I will only give you information from the trial that witness testified to.

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I would have asked what kind of shovel. Mainly because it is hard to dig with a scoop shovel…


Not creative at all. A second bite within a short time period in some jurisdictions is automatic euthanasia.

Not that most people seem to think that will happen and keep them confined as I noted somewhere upthread.

Dog bite wound lawsuits also do tend to cost the dog owners.


Based on the structure of your post, “Why lie?”, immediately followed by a description of what google presents when you google the phrase, I also thought you were calling her a liar based on the google results.

If “Finish the Bastard” is not a famous Hunter Thompson phrase, that would make HH “incorrect” or “mistaken”, but not a “liar”.


Mine are different after the first one. My second hit is lapainlapine tumbler and third is neck deep UK twitter.
Algorithms still are in effect with quotes just not as prominent. The reddit link isn’t even on the first page.


I deal with law enforcement on a semi regular basis. They aren’t as swift as they are depicted on tv. No offense to officers who have a lifetime of service and are very good at their jobs but in my experience the first ones on scene are usually fresh out of the academy and kind of like deer in headlights.


@Sdel and I both took notes while watching the Miranda hearings. It is interesting that watching Heymer testify during the hearing (remember, Heymer was the 3rd cop that couldn’t testify when the others did because he was out on leave) he gave a slightly different version. Heymer clearly stated he drove up, asked who the shooter was, RG yelled, “here”, Heymer told RG to move (get off MB’s back), RG stated, “we have it all on tape”.
Heymer turned MB over (semi-conscious, bloodied, compliant, noncombative) saw a pink and black gun on the ground near MB’s left hand. He tossed the gun to the side, handcuffed MB and got him to his knees. The dog was biting MB and Heymer’s boot. RG was worried about the dog. RG asked if he could put the dog up and Heymer said he could. RG got the dog and disappeared. He could not recall how long he was out of sight but it could have been a minute or two. 2nd cop arrives. Heymer proceeded to assist LK and yelled for his care bag to be brought over. He assisted LK until EMS arrived and he continued with her until they arrived at the trauma center. He recalled seeing MB sitting on the running board of a trailer, handcuffed and seemed “out of it”. He was unsure of who secured the gun once he tossed it aside as he was focused on LK once other LEO’s arrived.

Sdel’s notes were slightly different than mine but both sets of notes agreed on the pertinent information. There was lots of discussion about our notes on one of the other threads, particularly about RG saying it was all on tape, the dog, and RG being unrestrained for some time.


OOPS! It just occurred to me that we have a shovel AND a pick axe in the back of one of our trucks! Oh dear. I need to get the pick axe registered!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It took until the bottom of page 3 on a quoted search for me. I cannot imagine that it would have come up sooner for you as I search book titles fairly regularly and read a ton of links that I read from a librarian group I am a member of. (although I am not a librarian- I love the group and they are open to all) So books and authors are a big search term for me and surely google knows that.

And furthermore the two links I come up with are for the auction of the letter. And I search auctions and sell collectibles.