Barisone assessment

And I have a lot more that reinforce the idea that RG was the one sitting on MB twisting his arm behind his back from LK. Additionally, that is how the officer testified he found MB and RG in the Miranda hearings, MB on his belly where he also testified that MB was non-combative and docile when he got him up off the ground. Seems odd for the officer to be threatening to break the arm of a cooperating suspect that was already on the ground.


Yep, my notes concur!


After listening to the 911 call, and Cpl. Heymer’s testimony, it sounded like that couldn’t have been him threatening to break MB’s arm. He comes into the call later from the sound of what I just listened to.




In the miranda hearing officer Heymer testified that the first thing he did on scene was to ask who the shooter was…


As I recall, there are urgent statements made by both RG and by Heymer at slightly different times on the 911 call.

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Heymer does not come in until the “on the ground statement”. Everything before that is RG.


Its almost like we have experience with bite quarantines or something…

I got a bit snippy with a client not too long ago. She came in for a clear bite exam. I had a muzzle. She said well it is ok to muzzle him if we are scared of him in a condescending tone. I said to her that maybe she didn’t understood that if her dog bit a second time in a ten day period he would more than likely need to be euthanized. We were not scared but instead protecting her dog.


Well, aside from being a DVM, some years back I had a fit of civic responsibility and took on the job of animal inspector in the town I was living at the time.
($250/yr and all the aggravation I wanted–though some of it was fodder for great stories!)


So Heymer says, “If you don’t stay on the Fing ground, I’ll kill you”, and RG earlier said something about “if you move I’ll break your arm”?

That’s what I remember.

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I love those types.
I just ask them to step closer and offer to show them the nice job the plastic surgeon did reapposing my upper lip margins…


Didn’t Heymer say in the trial that another officer said RG could put the dog in the house? I wonder why Bilinkas couldn’t bring up the statement from the Miranda Hearing. I guess it is better to blame a nameless cop for that error.


This is closer to what I remembered (but admit I have not re-listened yet).
Which confused me because Seeker was insisting that Rob did not say the broken arm thing.


Shame that happened to you Ghazzu!


So who wants to break it to S1 that the officer testified when he came into the 911 call and he didn’t threaten to break anyone’s arm?


Some highlights of MHG testimony that can be found here:

  1. I need people here…that "they (rob and lauren) will be broken by force of numbers". He said he would gather everyone together. - Her father, her son, Mary Defranco, Ruth Cox, August 3, 2019 - Minute number 40:10
  2. “I will make it so miserable for them that they will beg to go elsewhere. Watch me. This I am very very good at.” July 13, 2019 - Minute number on video 38:19
  3. MHG and Michael discussed ways to get rid of Rob and Lauren. July 19 and August 19
  4. Michael never told them to leave as per Mary Haskins on August 3rd 2019 - Minute number on video 41:52

Of course he did threaten to kill MB if he moved and according to the notes from the Miranda hearing, MB was cooperative and docile when he moved him over. Later he said MB was out of it when MB was over by the trailer.

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I have provided the video with all of the information about who said what. It is a little unclear about the sequence of events and who said what. I only know what Heymer testified to saying. Not sure who said anything else.



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I know. I just watched his testimony. But he didn’t testify to saying he would break MB’s arm.