Barisone assessment


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Nice bait and switch. Interesting that all of that is from TEXT. Where were the recordings?


My guess is algorithms.

Thank you for posting that.

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Thanks for reposting the MHG testimony. Can’t be posted enough. She was a wealth of information. Polite too.


Im just showing what mary haskins testfied to under oath

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they will be broken by force of numbers!!

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I don’t really care about a few texts taken out of context and twisted. Look around, a lot of people wouldn’t want LK around their barn or in their sport.


I am not caught up, so not sure if this has been addressed yet. Fainting goats are a product of artificial selection - people thought they were cool, so bred for the mutation.
Possums actually go into shock and become comatose.


OH wow. How interesting. Thank you.


Well, it is fairly prescient. The force of numbers is clearly apparent when taking into account the jury, the vast majority of YouTube posters, and most posters/lurkers on here who do not believe LK and RG at all.


no it wasn’t I had meant to but forgot. As you have noted. Possums is basically a coping mechanism- which does work as many of us have seen. Fainting goats are a genetic defect that people continued to breed because of well people.


Even if you had license to invent whatever context you wanted to, what is a hypothetical context that would make either #1 or 2 look benign?


The context was right in the video.

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“Finish the bastard”, the plan to destroy MB, and forging signatures and crafting contracts (which is a criminal act) context was right there too. It counted more.


So strange how LK is the common denominator for so much hatred from so many people, both known and unknown. Wonder why that is. :thinking: Your “poor baby”…I can’t even finish the sentence. I’ll be banned.

  1. Force of numbers, show them that everyone at the farm doesn’t want them there anymore, especially the owner that’s moved out of his home because of harassing behaviour, and then continued to be harassed in the stable clubroom after moving out. Not to mention the working student that was harassed by RG. WTF sort of a$$ grown up does that to a teen?
  2. She has in the past helped show an unwanted boarder out the door. Handy person to have around if you’re at your wits end with someone.

I don’t see anything to be worried about by those statements, but I tend to play nice and work with the farm owners and not plant listening devices around the farm and post threating things on Facebook, but maybe I’m funny that way.

Seriously, I wouldn’t mind someone with more experience helping evicting a PITA client if I was in such a situation. Thankfully all the ones I had to deal with in the past left on their own. My current farm owner will just tell them to GTFO, so no assistance required for him.


What does this prove other than MB was desperate for LK to leave? He is not stating he will physically harm her. He is not stating he will ruin her life. He is stating that he needs others in collaboration to try to convince LK to leave. These texts make it obvious that there was great animosity early on and that the entire farm wanted her off the property. She knew that yet she dug in and refused to go. That is indefensible behavior.


Those statements simply reflect MB’s intense desire to get them out of the barn to be someone else’s problem/drama. LK was smug about their recordings and camera and harassment. MB just wanted to get them gone. LK had zero intention of leaving. Trying to make those comments into a murder threat is nonsense.

Having seen a barn ruined by a smirking, self- important barn manager who harassed and intimidated the long time boarders and made every day an ordeal… and was also stealing from us - I may have made similar statements. It took all of the boarders and me to meet and convince the BO that said manager had to go. We were stressed. We were vehement. The boarders were ready to leave.

The vile manager was fired the next day.