Barisone assessment

I never wrote that. Just that she wasn’t and easy client (to be polite) and should have not mentally tortured someone until things went totally sideways. Especially when your husband and MB’s lawyer had found another place for her to move to with a PanAm gold medalist. Maybe not a long term situation, but if she felt things were so bad at MB’s farm, it would have done for a month or so right? Training could have continued, which was the most important thing according to Lauren as she posted online a few times.

Sheesh, a friend of mine asked me to move my horse after she found him with his hind leg through the fence. She was worried she was going to come home from work one day to find him with his hind leg degloved. I found and moved him two days later. No hard feelings, when things aren’t working, they aren’t working, you move on and get over it. We’ve also moved a full stable of 10 horses quite quickly (because we had enough of the farm). It’s not that hard to do, especially in NJ where a lot of professional haulers go through.


There was a place lined up for her horses negotiated by her father. (Do you not talk to him?) There was no place for her to live since she was not welcome back to the Kanarek abode, but there is a Residence Inn in Branchburg which is not too far where her horses could have been.


Strange, there was testimony about that. Does that need to be posted to remind you that you are incorrect on this point too, that there were other arrangements lined up. Arrangements that her father, your husband had helped organize. Along with several people on the internet offering to help.

Ask your husband. It was testified to in the trial, by the lawyer on your side.


The only thing i am trying to stop is some of you spreading false information and lies about the people closest to me in the world. Lauren is far from perfect but she is my daughter. I love her no matter what has happened although i dont always agree with some of her choices. I am fairly certain that mbs wives and ex wives didn’t agree with some of his choices either.


Ok i will listen to the tape again. Link please.

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Findng a place for her to live was easy. It was finding an acceptable trainer and barn that was difficult.

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Now MB has multiple wives and ex-wives. Amazing!


When one is unhappy where they are (which you are saying your daughter was and that is why she acted so inappropriately) you move your horses to some place that will work for your horses while you continue to search for a barn that works for you too.
If finding a place for her to live was so easy, it seems very weird that she wanted to stay in the house at MB’s place.


It was an aceptable trainer to the person who pays the bills.


Nice try. I was mistaken as explained by a couple other posters who refreshed my memory of the facts.


Approx 2:35:00 in is a good place to start.

(Side note…Phillip Dutton is in this portion too, in case anyone needs to review his testimony. :slight_smile: )


I’m not usually the type to make this kind of suggestion but when in the presence of a certain poster who isn’t concerned with facts, perhaps a one word response is all that should be replied otherwise its an exercise in futility.


You obviously don’t talk to your husband very much. He along with MB’s lawyer had found a place for her to move to. She didn’t agree, hence the entrance of Ed. And wasn’t he handy.


He has 2 exwives and 1 current gf and mhg was planned to be a wife but that fell through.

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Great idea knights mom

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And what kind of acceptable trainer does a first level rider need anyway? Its always baffled me how this low level rider got mixed up with all these well known, successful, talented people.


Not my understanding but im sure you who knows no one involved knows better.

Again not really interested in an uneducated opinion on this topic.

(always love an excuse to use my favorite emoji!)

It is in the testimony.
Since it is clear you now know where to find the whole trial, you can learn about these things that you some how missed while you were there for the whole trial.


I dont remember everything that happened. It was long…however…feel free to show me the video with the time of specific testimony to which you are referring like i did.

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