Barisone assessment

In what universe is staying at a farm where your safety is supposedly at risk an acceptable place? That is where she stayed.

Stating that there was not a facility that could meet her training needs and care for her horses is absurd. She’s an intermediate amateur.


Why would i care what you think warmblood1?

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Just what was testified in court. So unless someone was lying through their teeth? Might want to check on your end.


If you have a point to make about a testimony please reference such testimony with a link and approx time on the video to review like i did.

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The logical move is to just ask Jonathan Kanarek.

Sorry, are you not living with him?


I cant speak for him and he didnt testify.

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You’re quite capable of finding a link when you think it actually helps your points, so I’m not doing your homework for you. I have other things to take care of tonight, like spending my time with my family under one roof. I’d never send my daughter to a hotel after a life threatening surgery to recover when I lived right close by. Funny how some families are huh?


Ekat did, just a few posts up. Scroll up a little. It is right there.

It is posted up thread, with a time stamp and everything you demand.

Very valid point!


“Bite” story here.

I have an old-fashioned (‘50s’) kitchen table. On each corner are two legs that condense down into one (well, actually next to each other). They look like a “V” at each corner.

One day, my Ziva kitty jumped off the kitchen table and SOMEHOW caught her leg in the “V.” She was screaming and thrashing about so I tried to free her. While I was doing so, she scratched and then bit my toe (not her fault, she was in pain). I got her out, and she ran downstairs. I went down there to find her with a hind leg dangling.

I got her into a travel crate and drove 50 miles to the emergency vet clinic. (It was a Sunday, of course.) When I got there, I told them I would have to hold her as they gave her a sedative. As she relaxed, I told them what had happened, and they recommended me going to a walk-in medi-clinic because I had been bitten and scratched.

The medi-clinic did what they needed to, took my insurance, asked me questions, swabbed me clean (don’t think I needed a tetanus shot then, but I forget), and sent me on my way. I picked up Ziva. She had dislocated her rear leg, torn some tendons, and had wrapped it up. (They recommended surgery to repair the tendons to be done by another clinic, but that is not important to THIS story.)

The next day, I got a knock on my door. It was someone from our County Health Department. The incident had been reported to them by the emergency vet clinic (which was in a different County). He asked to see Ziva; I got her out of the crate where she was being kept quiet and showed him.

He asked what happened (confirmed what was sent to him), said to not let her outside, to keep her in quarantine for 10 days. I told him that my cats are NEVER allowed out (true). He reiterated that he would be back in ten days. He did come back then, noted that Ziva wasn’t frothing at the mouth with rabies, and he and I signed off on the incident.

(By the way, by the third day, Ziva had removed her wrapped up “cast” herself, and I, after finding out that the surgery cost would START at $1800, decided not to have it done. The injury healed by itself and to this day, there is no limp or limitation caused by that accident that day.)


Go take care of your family.

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Exactly. If I was legitimately afraid for my life and “terrified” I would take the first lifeline offered and move my horses - even splitting them up at different facilities ASAP.

If the boat you are on is sinking, you don’t turn up your nose at the humble row-boat that comes to save you insisting that you deserved to be saved a million dollar yacht.


My cat got a broken leg from a dog. Emergency clinic wanted to do screws or amputate but a friend vet said “if the bones are in the same area code they will heal”. So I too just gave it time and it fully healed and you’d never know. No limp, nothing.


I can believe that. However, I would think that the ones who are the most ‘fresh’ out of the academy would be the ones Most Likely to do it correctly.


So it seems from all the gobblygook posts and comments that RG said he let the dog out?

Does anyone think he did that to sic the dog on MB thus initiating the attack? And, if so, could the injured party sue the dog owner or the person who intentionally let the dog out to attack?


So true. Cats are incredible when it comes to healing bones. I have a cat that had two broken hind legs as a kitten and she somehow survived and healed before animal control picked her up and I adopted her.

I believe I read previously that a cat’s purr is the same frequency that heals bones. I always wondered if maybe that’s why they heal so well and that maybe purring is a self healing type of thing.


Do you have an ‘open carry’ permit for that pick axe?


Cats heal broken bones amazingly well but when they don’t they don’t!


I am right now. They’re sitting in the living room while I finish cooking supper. I’ll be joining them shortly, though we’re chatting as I cook.


May i remind you that my family and i are not on trial here. Mb was on trial for a vicious shooting and is in a maximum security mental institution for what they all (judge, jury, defense atty, prosecution) agreed he did. Most people agree at this point that he was experiencing financial issues, pressure from his ex vera and current at the time mhg who brought 9 more horses and no boarding payments to the table as per her own testimony. Additionally…one of his good friends George Morse had just received a lifetime ban from safesport for something terrible he had done. Michael had problems indeed. Lauren in my opinion was not at the top of the list because she brought income unlike mhg. Mhg hated lauren and was trying to have her banned from the sport as per her testimony (link provided earlier). Michael probably wanted her there until he could think of a way to replace her income which was difficult since he had been disparaged right here on Chronicle of the horse previously.


Take your own advice.