Barisone assessment

The SCOTUS says I don’t need one!


I really like this turn of phrase. It shows realism and humility by admitting that you don’t know everything. You are not omniscient. Your information (aside from what is public information- like trial testimony) is all through your unique perspective as someone VERY emotionally attached to only one side of this case

We, as members of the equine community and general public, are free to interpret the facts through our unique lenses as well. Maybe this is why you feel compelled to post on CoTH as opposed to other social forums - you care about how the equine community views this case.


The word SCOTUS has always sounded like some weird jungle STD to me.

And now it will to all of you as well.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh my! This is a hoot!!

Tell us Kirby, why was Michael’s relationship with Mary Haskins ANY business of ANYONE??? Did people question what you brought to the finances of Jonathan Kanarek? No, because that is rude and uncouth. ANY personal relationship Michael had with ANYONE was and is no one’s business. What happened to the scores of people IM and your daughter said were lined up to testify about how horrible Michael was??? I smell slander actually.


I just made another contribution yesterday! :grinning:


Just finished. Gosh that felt good!


Only one (well, technically two, LK, and RG) thought they should record the private conversations of others and put ‘em on blast on the internet.


NOBODY has said that. What has been said is that her behavior and the fact that he was vulnerable to it, medically, means that the outcome is not actually as surprising as some initially thought. And what has been said is that she is culpable for her behavior and how it contributed to the outcome,

Let’s say a hiker is walking along a trail, following all the rules, and a bear attacks and kills them. That is through little to no fault of their own. If the hiker were instead poking the bear, prodding it, threatening its cubs? Well, the outcome becomes more understandable… doesn’t it? I think so.

And in this case, the bear asked the hiker to leave, both bear and hiker’s lawyers negotiated, and the hiker said “no thanks, I will just finish the bastard”.


This has become the Seeker’s version of the Tale of Hawthorn Hill - fiction of course, with an added dose of off the wall explanations for the Finish the Bastard text. :joy: Pure entertainment.


The accuracy of this entire statement can be gauged by 2 words: George Morse


I am still praying for everyone including me to become the best version of themselves.


I guess I misspelled George’s last name. Sorry about that. It is supposed to be Morris.

Maybe not here, but soon! Coming to a courtroom near you, The Civil Trials will tell ALL. I wonder if all the latest SM will be thrown on the ever growing mountain of discovery?


Michael was most likely very upset indeed when he found out she had taped him saying all those things.

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Understandably. I’d be extremely upset if I found out someone did that to me, and put it out on the internet. I can imagine LK would have been too if the rolls had been reversed.


All those things? I haven’t seen anything bad said. The stuff you posted wasn’t bad at all.


Has she ever taped your private conversations and gone through your personal files? Yes, that’s a personal question but it appears you have no problem crossing privacy boundaries when speaking of others.


But here’s the rub: if he was desperate to have them leave as early as July 13, why didn’t he send a demand to vacate notice to them saying they needed to be out by Aug 12?

Why say on July 13 that his plan was to make their lives so miserable they would beg to leave?

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I am not at liberty to post the contents of the tapes at this time, but as I have said many times I listened and transcribed them. They were also transcribed by formal professional people and turned over to the prosecutor but I did hear them pretty clearly.

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Is this a good place to ask why your daughter who almost died from being shot twice, point blank in the chest and then was cut from stem to stern left the ICU and went to a hotel?