Barisone assessment

but the bear never asked her to leave erinmeri as evidenced by Mary Haskins testimony.

We haven’t heard them on the internet yet. Maybe you mean threaten people with them.


I suspect there is a portion of this tale missing and that is the discussions/negotiations between JK and MB that LK may not have been aware of. JK has a HUGE role in this that I don’t think has been fully revealed yet.


Okay, so the whole week or longer negotiation to leave wasn’t an ask? I have never been asked to leave a barn or house/apartment… but I am pretty sure once lawyers are negotiating a soft place for me to land, it is pretty clear I have been “asked” to leave, YMMV.


Well, both Mr Tarshis and MHG testified that their private conversations were posted on FB. But yes, threaten too.


But per what you said here she knew she was not wanted there anymore and was scared to be there. So why not leave?

I am curious about something, why was your family not at the verdict? You stayed for everything else but were not there to hear the results.


I am asking you respectfully to please stop talking about my husband and me.

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We live a ways away from the court and could not physically get there in time to hear it live once it was announced. It has been said here by some that we didn’t care enough to go. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Is this more respectfully or less respectfully than MHG and her lawyer asking your family to not talk about her?

I am sorry to hear that. I figured you would be staying near by so you could be there for the final answer.


You just can’t let go of this. What difference does it make? She knew she wasn’t wanted. She hated MHG who was there. She was mad at her training situation. She felt the need to illegally record and listen to conversations. She felt the need to ninja up for a midnight stalk. She was reporting to horse clubs, building departments, SafeSport, Epsteins Mothers Doctor, etc.,

The better question is: WHY WOULDN’T SHE WANT TO GO?!

And this is the thing that tips everyone off as to what REALLY going on. LK wanted to torment. LK wanted people to suffer.


Because you have NOTHING just like every supposed bombshell has been NOTHING


Was it a talking bear?



What I’d like to know is what KurPlexed thinks the definition of “defamation” is.

If reposting an already publicly posted video of a person’s court testimony is “defamation”, I must be confused on what “defamation” means.

Is falsely accusing someone of defamation, defamation?


There is nothing on those tapes that is damaging to anyone. Period. We are all sick to death of hearing about illegally obtained recordings (that even the prosecutor never mentioned one time) and all the “bombshells” that never appeared. I also doubt 48 Hours or anyone else cares about them either!

You lost the criminal trial by not getting the long prison term and felon label wanted. You’ve lost the court of public opinion and you will lose the civil trials too.


no one asked us anything Trubandloki. We didn’t speak to her lawyer. Besides I am merely posting information in the public domain that MHG said during her testimony which was published nationally if not internationally. If you guys wouldn’t constantly refute what happened and try to refute what MHG said herself about Michael and her, I would not be here right? So maybe if everyone stopped it… it would indeed go away.

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Sorry, quoting you again because beyond the negotiations (an ask in and of themselves), a letter was in fact delivered OFFICIALLY, as testified to in court. So, she was asked. But you were there, no? It’s in @ekat’s video posted above. Delivered to your husband and daughter.


We lost nothing as we were never interested in calling Michael a criminal. We wanted him off the streets so he would not hurt anyone else. That happened for almost 3 years so far. So you can stop saying we were angry about the verdict. We knew all along that it would either be this verdict or “guilty”.

I am happy he is getting the help he needs to rebuild his life. He hurt many people although I cannot comment about that as the people he hurt wish to remain anonymous so they dont suffer the consequences I am suffering. Believe me or not. Your choice.


What do you want me to say? There has been some conflicting testimony among all the witnesses.

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I am not exactly what your question is erinmeri

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