Barisone assessment

Does this apply when discussing LK too?



You have put yourself out here on this forum and have made yourself open for discussion. As far as your husband, he is a very key player in all of this drama. You’ve made yourself an object for discussion by inserting yourself into what you perceive Barisone’s personal relationships were. How outrageous. Just be truthful and consider the privacy of the two who have never said one word publicly. Mkay?


What? I am super confused. You repeatedly say to stick to the facts presented at court. When I point out the facts of the court contradict your narrative, this is the best you can come up with?

Kirby, step away. I don’t think your posting here is serving the purpose you think it is.


Frankly I don’t care Erinmeri.

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Madam, this is an internet horse forum. Unless you need double bridle bit advice or some creative thinking about a NQR horse, the only thing you can get here is attention.

It’s been known for some time that telling people you don’t want attention or not to talk about/look at/engage with something unpleasant on the internet is an excellent way to encourage them to talk/look/engage. Ask Barbara Streisand.

If that message comes from the mommy of a 40-something woman who made herself a limited-purpose public figure by posting dubious, disparaging, and threatening things all over the internet about something as tawdry as a violent conflict between drug addicts and an Olympian with mental health challenges, then you may as well set up the big top, get the organ grinder playing, and install flashing neon lights that read “pay attention: something salacious is going on here!”

If Beyonce’s publicist couldn’t keep the internet from laughing at Sasha Fierce’s facial expressions in the throes of a passionate performance, then you have no hope of keeping the internet from discussing a variety of difficult facts and unflattering opinions about a grown woman who treats her social media accounts as airing cupboards for dirty laundry. The web is a cruel mistress.

All of this means that Any.Single.Thing you do or say to try to deflect from your daughter’s flaws and misfortunes (or to “correct lies”, as you believe you are doing) will perpetuate the scrutiny your family is facing and generate new salacious interest in your affairs. You are directly contributing to the public scrutiny your daughter/family face by posting here, and no posturing, piety, or fits of pique will change the fact that your continued participation in these threads will amplify, not diminish, public interest in your daughter and attention for yourself.

That information is out there, and people know where to find it. The internet storm that is brewing with all of that information is unpleasant, but it will someday pass all the same if you battle against it or not. You might consider heaving to and conserving your energies and attentions for people and things that are more important to you than this bunch of internet strangers. Which brings us to this horrific comment:

What if your participation perpetuated and inflamed a forum discussion that harms your family member’s mental health? Take some responsibility for your actions here, and consider where your energies are best spent if you are this concerned about a loved one. If you are asking questions like this on the internet, you’d probably be better off in any given moment doing something other than posting on the internet.


Not today Satan, not today. :sweat_smile: (and no I’m not calling anyone Satan)


About what? What don’t you care about?

I am honestly not trying to be mean. I will remind you that I have oft defended you and your family (and even, at one point, your daughter). I think you are not serving yourself, Lauren, or your family at large by engaging here. I had a sister similar to Lauren and this is not how I would behave, but you do you. I think it is counterproductive.


How generous and Christian of you. Sincerely. What about all the people your daughter has hurt for YEARS? What has kept her off the streets and prevented from hurting anyone else?


This is my favorite quote of all time. And I am so thrilled that our favorite master of words, the esteemed @DreadPirateRoberts, had rejoined us!


I know you are well liked here Dread Pirate Roberts but not by me. I am not interested in what you think I should do. My family’s mental health has be compromised by this group. You are not helping in any way. Who are you to comment about my reaction to this almost three year bombardment of cruel rants and disparaging lies by the dressage community here. Some people think this is entertainment and some think it is downright fun. I assure you I do not. Put yourself in my shoes for one second. I waited to make a comment until after Ruth Cox was found guilty of a felony for providing Michael with a gun. That was 2 years afterthe shooting. I hoped it would go away… but this is way way too much fun for some. So I am making it a little less fun. What is wrong with that.


i said nothing for 2 years and it did not stop. I doubt if I went away today it would stop.


You’ve been missed! Welcome back from your long voyages. Is The Revenge in for restocking or repairs or will you be on land for a while?


If any of you want me to stop… I suggest YOU stop!




One.More.Time. If you do not read what is posted here, it will not affect your mental health.
It is really quite simple.
Though when I attempted to make that point to Lala, she threatened me.


If it is true, it is not slander

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You are arrow number two on my previously listed analysis, Do you want me to do a more in depth analysis of how this thread took off once you joined and started posting? Or of how your posts have boosted activity? Almost nobody was talking about this until you joined the fray and bombarded this forum. You would be more likely to get your desired outcome if you just put away your device and logged off of this forum.


It is published publicly to the industry that Lauren is invested in. Just because I ignore it doesn’t mean it is not happening. I am not an ostrich.

Baloney. If the stove it hot, you pull your hand off the burner. If you don’t like that people have a differing opinion DON’T READ IT.

Acting the victim must run in the family. While you may have kept quiet for 2 years (a smart choice in my meaningless opinion) your “poor baby” daughter was delighting in harassing, cajoling and stirring the pot so much that she was deservedly banned. So I call BS that this teeny tiny corner of the internet is compromising the mental health of your beloved family. No one is forcing you to log on.


If it is written it is not slander either.
Slander is spoken.