Barisone assessment

Actually, I think daddy is the key to an awful lot. The civil trial will open that can of worms.


Im not wringing my hands at all. I am merely reporting statements made under oath in a public trial that refute some nonsense being reported here.


Thank you. :).

I don’t know how to answer your questions, but the link opened fine for me.


And a “free” place to live on the property—I’m convinced that was a real big deal if not the main deal.


But you are reporting the statements incorrectly as has been shown in several of the trial video snippets.


Certainly not intentionally. That is why i provided actual statements for clarification.

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Ah, I see now. Yes, Seeker, it must hurt a lot to see the person who was involved in the event that so harmed your daughter getting attention and even money. I’m sure your daughter has medical bills from the event, and probably substantial ones at that. even if they are paid off, I can see how this would be seen as the height of unfairness.

It is also a very safe place to come and rage against the unfairness, and telloff those who have donated.



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Not my purpose at all. Just want the truth to be shown. However it is not pleasant to watch people give money to this man who shot my daughter in a most brutal way and post sarcastic versions of my name as contributors. How would you feel about that? However when i consider the source of such nonsense i understand it better. There are a lot of truly cruel and uneducated people out there. I accept it and pray for them to become better people.

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Seeker1 can establish an account in the not-to-be-named fund raising site to tell her story and solicit donations for medical or legal bills if she wants.


Might want to work on the accuracy of your ‘facts’


I would never accept such from anyone on here.

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I lived the facts.

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Correction: You lived the EVENTS.

The facts? Not so much.


Many give to help MB continue to seek justice and restore his reputation and business destroyed by the campaign your daughter put into action.

All she had to do was leave when raging on FB about the alleged danger she was in and none of us would be here, including you. Accepting that fact is part of accepting accountability.


Thank you for the correction.

Do you honestly think the people here are the only contributors? Bless your heart.

And, by the way, you can reject specific donations if you so choose on this particular site.


So were you there when the rent-free, discount board for Renovations deal was made? Or when your husband was negotiating the aborted exit plan?


Frankly i dont care who does what with regard to donations.

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Or when JK and RG roared in to Hawthorne Hill on 8/8?