Barisone assessment

Ohhh! I think I got this!

See, she asked if you cared what she says, and you replied with Not Any more.

So, her first response to you said this:

Where she’s implying you once did.

BUT, then she changed it to say this:

Asking if you did when h-e-double hockey sticks froze over.

Don’t ask me how I figured it out.


Perhaps you should direct your hurt, anger, disappointment, fear, loathing, disgust, embarrassment and shame to the one individual responsible. One guess - it isn’t Michael Barisone. OR you could just walk away as so many have recommended.

Honestly, you have brought all this distress on yourself. Your daughter is the actual focus of disgust for most of the people on SM, not you.


Holy moly! It takes a special mind to be able to communicate with this one. I’m impressed. Here’s your dime!


Why thank you! A mercury dime even!



The worst part of finally getting caught up on a thread like this is knowing that the next time I look at it, I will be hundreds of posts behind again. Lol.

This was such a polite and uneventful thread for a long time until a handful of the usual suspects decided to jump in and drag it back down to their level. :roll_eyes:


It sank from the weight of the same LK bashers well before the arrival of the “usual suspects.” Y’all just can’t help yourselves.

Gee I thought the weight came from all the :poop: spewed about how awful we are.


I think it’s actually pretty informative. Something “really bad” has happened in the K crew’s world. No other reason for them to be this worked up. Also, can anyone guess what we’ve not heard about the last few times we’ve seen references to MHG?


I have no idea. Do tell!


It’s the way you’re holding your mouth.:grin:


Returning to Lauren being exiled to a Best Western (or whatever). Not only is she forbidden to stay in her childhood home and recover, this also shows she has no friends who are willing to take her in, no parents of childhood friends who remember her and would take her in and cater to her while recuperating.

So many people who knew her “back in the day”, later from the riding world and none of them opened up their home to her for even a week or two after she was discharged after being shot.

Let that sink in.


Any predictions that she will be suspended? :thinking:


It is certainly telling.

Although it is possible that LK/RG WANTED privacy because then they could “do their thing” absent of criticism, prying eyes or judgment. Includes conversation that perhaps they didn’t want others to hear, self medicating, etc


I don’t know. Certainly if a mutual order of protection exists and it’s found she violated it then that should be grounds for sure.

But I’m not sure though any Civil findings can easily change that.

Consider this: ALL of MBs past actions have been brought to light, evaluated and judged and a verdict was rendered. His past acts are already rendered moot in light of his verdict.

But LKs actions have not been under the scrutiny of law enforcement. So far there is no trial against her so no findings found. She hasn’t been adjudicated anything. In the criminal trial she was basically just a flawed witness. But in the civil case she is a Defendant as well as a plaintiff. Wrongdoing can be found and if that wrongdoing is determined to have been done as adjudicated by a jury then my case is yes, it might rise to the level of suspension based on the parameters of USEFs member behavior policies.


I think seeker is baiting you all to turn the social media thing around and make it look like you are bullies. It may be time to ALL ignore her, there is nothing new to point out.


ETA - not unlike her daughter.


Sleeping. Trubandloki is a morning person, not an night person.
I appreciate that @cutter99 stepped away from slashing things for a bit to step in so I would not have to make one big long quoting post this morning. It was very nice of him/her to do that.

Tennis match thing made me giggle.

I thought it was posted that MB’s assessment hearing is in July. Did that change to September?

I think you are under estimating the mods skill set!

And people ask why we quote things…

It is so hard to leave incorrect “facts” that are easily disputed with trial testimony sitting there pretending to be truths.


So like her daughter, in fact, one has to wonder exactly who is spending literally an entire day at the keyboard…

I think it’s time for the mods to shut this train wreck down. Whoever is posting as Seeker, whether Kirby or someone else, sounds quite unstable. The entire thread is now just back and forth bickering between a handful of people, and the same speculation and theories that have been bandied about for almost 3 years.


Consider if you will that there are relevant topics discussed among the recent muck of postings.

The upcoming Civil trial promises yet more revelations that may or may not benefit the parties. Evidence that was not permitted to be seen in the criminal trial will be laid wide open in the civil trial and this evidence does offer the possibility of altering the narrative outlined in the criminal case. It is in this regard that I believe current comments to possibly be relevant as well as timely.


Are we allowed to give our thoughts on how they can improve? :joy: