Barisone assessment

I suggested that on either this thread or the previous one (can’t remember) so all LK’s friends and supporters can donate funds to help with medical bills. Apparently the KKlan doesn’t want to do that for some reason. :thinking:


Yeah, they just want to bash others. I thought we had neared the bottom of the rabbit hole. Now I think we have just begun.


Interesting that whoever sent that used quotes around bought. Suggests that the deal for Jay-T wasn’t as cut and dried as Lauren described. Very interesting.


Think about it, is anything associated with LK cut and dried or as she describes it to be?


I don’t ask, I don’t tell. As I have no personal knowledge I can only go off of what makes sense and the integrity and reputation of the teller.


How did you know he wanted her to buy more horses? Were you present during those discussions?

And I thought the new horse was still in quarantine when the shooting occurred. So it had already arrived at the farm? When did that occur? I cannot imagine how anyone in their right mind could think that $5000/month for board/training of FIVE horses, plus living accommodations for two people, is anywhere close to adequate compensation - esp. at a high-end equestrian facility run by an Olympian.




Wow. So, 6 horses? 5 at the farm? And MB was paying 5k to debug the place, $100 a night for security, was losing clients, and getting paid a measly 5k a month for 5 horses for board/training and 2 humans renting? But this was supposedly all offset by an unlicensed contractor working a handful of hours a week?

Just wow.

I hope MB testifies at the civil trial. He hasn’t even told his side of the story. I can’t imagine what all we are missing. The bombshells will be when MB opens his mouth and tells his version of events IMO.


The level of fightback on behalf of the disgruntled boarder tells us they would prefer the absence of facts and evidence.


Yeah, it is so curious that LK stayed in a hotel after her discharge from the hospital. I think for most people, their parents or siblings or other loved ones would have happily opened up their homes for the patient to recover in.

There are surely good reasons why the KKlan didn’t take in LK. A few that come to mind:

  1. She is banned from the KKlan family homes for some reason
  2. RG is banned from the KKlan family homes and LK wouldn’t leave him
  3. Rosie (the biting dog) is banned from the KKlan family homes and LK/RG couldn’t afford to board her (or were afraid to, lest she bite someone at the kennel)

Devils advocate: there were plenty of people offering to take in her horses so consider that just maybe (like I said last night) that LK/RG WANTED to be in the hotel so they could do their “thing”.


It really makes me question finances. RG stated that they could not afford to pay rent but LK proceeded to own 6 horses? I wonder if JK is forced to manage LK’s money because financial transactions on LK’s part are so terrible. Could LK/RG even be approved as renters? It makes me question how far in advance LK had the idea of taking advantage of MB and the situation. It challenges the notion that “things just randomly went south and it was all MHG’s fault.”


And then there are posters who are insisting that MB needed LK’s money…isn’t that roll on the floor laugh worthy?


I would not be one bit surprised to learn that LK was giving one story to MB, another story to Daddy, and a third story to RG. I even suggested on another thread (and also on this thread) that she was playing all three men to get what she wanted - including - and especially - more horses.

I guess batting those false eyelashes at them worked pretty well, which is no doubt why she wore them at the trial - probably thought she could charm Bilinkas and the jurors with them. :upside_down_face:


They are just following what LK said forgetting she admitted to having a narcissistic condition testifying under oath. I know that narcissists engage in projection. It’s one of their things.


The bear isn’t lauren. Pay attention. Lauren is the one poking the bear, and the bear is protecting its self and its family. You are saying Michael should have been asked to leave??? Lauren invaded his home and his business. His first response was to gang up on her and make her feel how unwelcome she was and want to leave. That’s something i would do. There was no reason at that point t that she should feel comfortable or socially accepted anymore on that property. Ypur daughter had become a pariah, and no longer had any right to continue to abuse Michael and his family and employees and clients. Apparently his next step wS to get your husband to arrange her departure. Even that failed to get her off his property. So he started legal arrangements, the first step of which was a written request to leave, required before court issued demands. Still you defend her instead of parenting her and getting her mental help. [edit]


Youtube is available anywhere in the world where internet is available. There were people commenting that I noticed from Holland, the UK and New Zealand, Australia and all over North America. Most of them didn’t have much good to say about your daughter.


Ok, so this has become the Seeker1 show. Very tiresome. I’m going to wait for a new thread to appear, one that will probably contain new information, not just a re-re-re-rehashing of the same BS.

  1. Neither of Michael Barisone’s wives have trashed him online

  2. Lauren’s ex-husband hasn’t come forward to defend his ex-wife (declare it was amicable, how she is being portrayed online isn’t the woman he knew, etc.)

  3. We heard from MHG and she didn’t hurt his case at all and clearly didn’t help the state’s.


I certainly hope the the jurors in the criminal trial as well as everyone involved in any way with Hawthorne Hill, and Bilinkas, Deininger, and all their staff members, etc., weigh in about the shoddy handling of the shooting incident at HH in Aug 2019. That police department’s negligence in properly securing evidence needs to be exposed - in particular, allowing one of the parties to freely move about the scene for a few minutes, not testing all three parties for GSR, not doing fingerprint testing on the firearm, not searching the nearby vehicles, not looking for video from the porch camera, etc., etc.

Edited to add that the article says “accreditation is valid for a three-year period.” So can we assume the last accreditation review occurred in 2019? And maybe/probably before the HH shooting incident?

And it is a bit discouraging to read that the review apparently only examines written materials such as policies and procedures and conducts interviews with various agency members. It doesn’t appear that the examiners look at handling of specific incidents. :frowning: