Barisone assessment

Oh right! forgot about that.

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Ok, sorry if I misinterpreted, I guess too many abbreviated words for me to keep up with…:slight_smile:


And per her testimony, her father refused to pay for any housing near the family home and we have been repeatedly told that she is banned from residing in that same family home. Make of that what you will.


One only has to look at the claims regarding this horse to know LK’s ideas of what was negotiated is quite a bit on the inventive side. No one sells a horse and then agrees to keep the costs of it’s upkeep for the rest of it’s life…they would just retire it first.

This is the biggest clue whatever she has to say about what or how things were “agreed” to can be discounted as probably not the truth.


Does anyone else find it odd that the alleged 60 something year old mother of a 40 something year old adult ammy rider is so focused on her daughter’s prior trainer’s prior girlfriend, and keeps on mentioning her daughter’s prior trainer’s ex wife / wives?

I find this quite notable.


What was the date of “Finish the Bastard”?

Weeks after July 13 when he vowed to make them so miserable to they would beg to leave?

Is there actual evidence they “crafted contracts” and “forged signatures”?

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Yup. Completely agree.


Why are their negotiations any of your business?

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The thing is, if these civil trials happen, it’s going to be everyone’s business, in that it will all be out there. A lotttt comes out during civil trials, they can be rather ruthless at times.

Edit: is any of my business? No. But sometimes it’s satisfying to watch people get caught up in their own lies or exposed for who/what they really are. Just generally speaking. I think part of that is a human nature thing or some satisfaction re justice.


‘Your daughter’ testified under oath in the criminal trial about the details of her ‘purchase’ of Jay-T. Thousands of people watched that trial. Anyone who has ever owned a sport horse they bought from their own trainer, and continued to keep at their trainer’s farm thought to themselves, “Wait. What? Why would MB agree to free board for Jay-T for the rest of the horse’s life? No professional would ever agree to that deal.”


Doesn’t matter. Just the willingness to consider doing so is enough.


Agree 100 percent. It’s all exceptionally odd. The obsessive focus on MHG and the attempts to defame her are odd. The fact that other “unaffiliated” posters share this same obsession with MHG is odd. Holding on to IM’s every word is odd. Bringing MHG’s ex-husband into matters trying to damage his name is odd. And desperate.


Desperate times call for desperate measures, apparently.


Sure do.


Over 2K posts in a couple days, I thought something actually happened. Nope just team LK trying to spew some new lies.

That’s relevant to their agreement for her to be there. A better question is how is MHG and MB’s romantic relationship any of LK’s business or any of your business? I’ve never had a trainer, coach, client, business relationship where that person’s sexual or romantic relationship had any bearing on my relationship with them. Unless LK was looking to dump RG and latch onto MB as a possible sugar daddy, what did MHG’s relationship with MB matter?


I’ll tell you what I find odd: continuing to buy horses, when you don’t even show up to ride the ones you already have and can’t afford rent in a different place.

Also, odd, bizarre, unstable…. Seeker’s posting. I agree they don’t all come across as the same person doing all the posting.



It does seem like a very strange obsession about something that I would assume most parents would not care to even know about.


Ah. Then perhaps it would be more accurate to blame them for “considering to forge contracts”. I haven’t heard evidence of even that.

What was the date of the “Finish the bastard” text? Weeks after the July 13 “plan” to make them miserable? Days after MB and MHG were compiling a 750 page complaint to send to USEF to attempt to get LK banned?

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I have no idea what you’re referring to.



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