Barisone assessment

One thing I find strange in all this is that some people act like LK had no option but to stay because darn it, she is owed something, in a way that implies that LK does not have the ability or knowledge how to use the legal system to get her own way.

LK could have easily left at the first sign of things not being just how she wanted, when she was posting on Facebook that things were not happy, when all those people on Facebook were begging to help her. She could have then turned around, and with the help of her always there for her father sued MB or MHG or whoever else wronged her for whatever she felt she was wronged about.

There was no reason at all for her to hang around and be miserable.


Sure there was - she was ENJOYING herself. Making everyone uncomfortable, unhappy, getting them pitched out of the house and later the barn - she ENJOYS doing this to people.

She very likely has practiced and refined it on family and friends through the decades. She never entertained the idea of shrugging her shoulders, finding another place to go and then suing in small claims court. Too pedestrian, ordinary and sensible.


I think one has to consider what considering to forge signatures and contracts would be used for. I wonder if that would be to refuse to leave, maybe even “sell” the farm to her? “Sell” MHG’s horse to her? Maybe the police acted they way they did because they were told she was in the process of buying the farm and MB was just leasing it in the meantime.

Any real consideration as to what would necessitate forging a contract pales in comparison to a plan to get her to leave the farm voluntarily or otherwise.


Michael as per txt to MHG:
I need people here…that “they (rob and lauren) will be broken by force of numbers”

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It is me and ONLY me. Kirby Kanarek

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LOL. You can’t let MHG’s SS complaint go, can you? Why does it bother you so much that someone took evidence, 750 pages apparently, of inappropriate or harassing behavior, and sent it in to be examined? An entire criminal trial verified that at least 750 pages, up to 19,000+ pages, exists as proof to LK’s attempts to destroy someone’s life - drive them to insanity even, yet you still believe that the SS complaint, what - shouldn’t have been reported? Ask yourself that, I have no need to go in circles with you. But the obsession regrading the complaint is noted and it, too, is odd.

I hope and expect that SS will take the complaint seriously and do what is necessary to protect the sport from piranhas.


I drop in on the thread each day, and am always about 300-400 posts behind, but am starting to feel a little sorry/concerned for Seeker (who I won’t tag, because I don’t think it’s healthy for her to be here). She’s stated she’s here all day and you can see the degradation of her posts over that time period. I think maybe it really is time to “walk on by” or “let it go” when it comes to that particular poster - for her own good. I absolutely respect anyone here who wants to continue to engage, certainly new information seems to come from her each day, but I certainly won’t be responding to her again. She needs to find some peace in another place; she won’t find it here and she appears to be unable to walk away.


I am sure your husband can explain to how this works. It appears that your family has experience on this front. So though you seem to be horribly offended that someone would want your daughter to leave enough to want to be sure she realizes she is not wanted there, I am sure you know exactly what is meant by this text (and how it is not uncommon to show someone you do not want around that you do not want them around).


Are you saying that all Republicans are Trumpers? If so, guess again. :grin:


I don’t care that he wanted her to leave. What I care about is that Michael was telling her one thing and MHG was telling her something else.

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If they are smart, property management companies and anyone renting or leasing out property will do a background check on the prospective renter. There are companies that specialize in this, such as First Advantage, SmartMove, eRenter, BetterNOI, and others.

First Advantage tenant background checks include credit checks, rental history, criminal record reports, and more for robust resident screening solutions.


When the head trainer and business owner tells a client it is time to go, I no longer want you, your boyfriend, dog and horses here, then calls the cops five times - that wasn’t clear enough that it was time to start packing.

Still more reason to see that Lauren ENJOYS making people miserable. It delights her to do so. The more unhappy, disheveled and even unhinged MB was as a result made her HAPPY and she continued her activities.


Prove it.


Have you ever considered that your daughter is not telling YOU the truth about any of this?

Her relationship with the truth is not exactly stellar!



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Well, what happened is that the moderator had to come on twice to request that people stop commenting on aspects of other posters posting styles.

Re bolded. I have never self identified as “team LK”, but assume you’re including me there.

Please provide receipts (provide the post) in which I have “spewed” a lie. Post number, link, screenshot, whatever. trubandloki has preserved every post of mine. Someone did call @hut-ho78 a liar, completely baselessly. It was funny, but stimulated a half dozen follow up posts.

To answer your question: the personal relationship between MB and MHG would have been none of Seekers business had LK not been shot.

IM had a post months ago in which he conveyed this key dynamic. In the love/hate triangle that linked MB/LK/MHG, there was great animosity between LK and MHG at the bottom of the triangle. MB, at the apex of the triangle, needed to make a choice and either ask/order LK to leave 30 days hence on, say, June or July 1 as MHG wanted, or clearly inform MHG that as a business matter, he was keeping LK as a client, at least for the time being. That’s what any normal, sane individual would have done.

I find the July text provided by Seeker as backing up IMs claim that MB was telling MHG that he would “deal with LK” to get her out (I’ll make them so miserable they’ll be begging to leave. Trust me I’ll really good at this).

However, despite his words to MHG, he did not take any obvious, normal, legal steps to ask or order LK to vacate. According to testimony, the first direct request that she leave was Aug 5! This backs up IMs assertion that MB was telling MHG and LK contradictory things.

It is certainly conceivable that MB was “putting off” MHG by telling her he was working to get LK out, but simultaneously keeping LK around by making plans for the new horse from quarantine, the August horse show etc.

Can we drop this tired trope that any mention of MHG is unfair? She was one of the three corners of the love/hate triangle that blew up. She just happened to escape being shot or charged with a crime.

She is certainly more legitimately “fair game” for discussion than LKs mother, based on essential involvement in the case under discussion.


Tarnish, I believe, testified that MB has considerable wealth. While quite a bit is tied up in hard assets and he had an obligation to Vera, he always knew he could make several thousand in one weekend teaching clinics. He obviously had the ability to pay Bilinkas’ retainer! MB being broke is another Kanarek narrative.


Context being so important, I’d like to add a little for that Aug 3rd text (sheer force of numbers)

All of this is straight from testimony of MHG, LK, ED, Hay Guy, and Mr Tarshis.

Mr Tarshis begins negotiations with JK in late July. (Presumably JK told his daughter, but, maybe not, and maybe she didn’t really know MB wanted her out.)

July 31st: first 911 call

Aug 1st: 2nd 911call
Aug 1st: Hay guy begins watching farm

Aug 2nd: Mr Tarshis believes that he and JK have come to agreement - barn with PanAm Gold trainer.

Aug 3rd: RG trying to find MHG’s kids on social media
Aug 3rd: 3rd 911 call - this is where LK tells cops she has secret recordings.

Is there any wonder MB may have wanted some supportive, friendly faces around?

Edit to add: in context, is it just maybe a little possible, that when he wrote that text, he was under the (mistaken) notion that per the agreement with her dad, she was going to be moving out that weekend, and thought he should have “numbers” around in case things went south?


As much as you love to beat this dead horse, no one here is buying what you are selling except for possibly Seeker.


AGAIN, it’s noteworthy that the mother of a 40 something year old woman, who is an adult amateur dressage rider, would be focused like this on her daughter’s prior trainer’s ex girlfriend.