Barisone assessment

The good thing for him is that this gives the Drs time to really get to know him and see him both in quarantine, then transitioning to a more group setting. Transitions are notoriously tricky, how MB handles that will be quite telling.

If MB is getting back to his pre-2019 baseline, things could move very fast.


Thank you for an encouraging thought this morning!


What an odd thing to care about…


You know, in reading that timeline, it does lead one to assume LK knew everything and was furious she was having to be the one to leave.

Edited for spelling


And those are just the things we heard about in trial!


I think it’s unfair to disparage someone for what, in your imagination, they “might have done”. If I remember correctly that you’re the one who thought it possible that RG shot LK twice in the chest because he feared he might have killed MB in his supposed unprovoked attack on MG, well wow, that’s some imagination.

For example, it’s ridiculous to say that the reason MB failed to order her to vacate 30 days hence as of July 1 or July 13 was because “he knew she wouldn’t comply”. Ridiculous. The legal process is 1) unilaterally send the order to vacate. 2) wait and see if they vacate as legally required in 30 days.

It’s not up to Barisone to say he’s skipping his legal requirement just because he thinks he knows she won’t fulfill her legal requirement.

Good point! And as you well know, many things that go on often don’t get in.


How do you know what Michael was telling her? Were you present for those conversations? Or were/are you being fed info from someone who is an admitted liar and who deliberately falsifies, fabricates, and obfuscates facts whenever it suits her?




No. There is no such thing as a “love/hate triangle” between you (g), your trainer, and their lover. You show up, you ride your horse, you pay your board and training, and you mind your business. If that’s too difficult for you, and you get the slightest whiff of a hint that things are headed downhill, you pack your stuff and GTFO. There should never be any “choose me over your lover” situation.

You’ve bought into what an admitted liar has put forth over and over. Anything and everything LK has said should be viewed as likely untrue based on her own testimony.


Yes…her little laugh about how she first got the letter from Tarshis is revealing as well.

But seriously, it is a stretch to believe her daddy made all these arrangements for another barn and then just dumped it on her the day she was supposed to move.


In this situation in polite society, you leave. You don’t get in between a couple.


I don’t mean this in a derogatory way at all. But do you landlord? There’s no legal requirement to send a notice. It’s reasonable, customary, and in some cases, expected by the Court, to have performed some negotiations before resorting to court action. An eviction, in theory, is your last line, because it stays on the tenant’s record forever. If you can come to an agreement without it, that is usually in the tenant’s best interest. There’s a reason “cash for keys” is such a popular phrase and option in the rental business.

I would submit that having his lawyer negotiate with someone acting on her behalf would be reasonable, and not unlike steps I, or my family, have taken in 50+ years of landlording.


MHG was undoubtedly a crucial element of the dynamic that led to the shooting. That’s not saying that there was anything “wrong” in her desire to get LK out. But the fact that she was pressuring MB to get LK out, while he failed to take the normal legal route for months, is a crucial aspect of the situation.

Had that dynamic not resulted in her daughter almost being killed, then yes, I doubt Seeker would think about MHG at all. Along those lines, she’s said many times that she would love to depart the forum if the assault via SM on her daughter would let up.

Do you really doubt that the mental and emotional pain being inflicted intentionally through your(g) SM campaign is less harmful to LK than the bullet wounds?

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Astute observation.

How is it that Seeker is so confident of details of details of conversations that happened between MB and LK? :thinking:

Maybe they have one of those super close mother-daughter relationships and talk on the phone multiple times a week, share a ton, and are very mutually supportive of what is happening in one another’s lives. I know some adult women who are middle aged, and have really close relationships with their mothers like that. It’s almost a matter of being a best friend, as well as their mother. And hey - good for them if that’s the case.

But here’s the thing… if that is the reality of the relationship, and thus the explanation for Seeker knowing all these details, and passionately defending her daughter on these forums…

Why again did LK go stay at the hotel when she was released from the hospital in September of 2019, after she had gone through what definitely was a life threatening, AWFUL medical situation, involving gunshots and what sounds like a brutal surgery?

I for one can not get these pieces of the puzzle to fit together…


Looking back I recall things beginning to go way south around March 2019 with the departure of LK’s buddies, the sisters from NC who were working students. Their departure was blamed on MHG and LK made a big deal about it. Why the partner of the business owner’s relationship with working students being LK’s business is anyone’s guess but this family seems to think everything is their business. Anyway, the void left by the sisters left LK with no “friends” at HH. I’m not sure she has ever had real friends but she seems to count anyone who flatters her as a friend. Notice most horse folks have lots of photos and sm posts with and about friends and companions. LK only has RG, when he’s around. Speaks volumes.


I think this is likely.
Staying in a hotel suits them, so they can behave how they like, napping, following minors through a store sniggering at them, and “slipping up”.


Are you serious? Why can’t a girlfriend pressure her man to get rid of someone who makes her uncomfortable? I wouldn’t want LK pooing in my sandbox either! Given LKs reprehensible behavior and very sketchy history who wouldn’t want her out?! The fact you don’t realize this just has me shaking my head.

As for the “assault on her daughter” given no ones opinion here is going to change, I guess KK is condemned to an eternity in futility.

As for the mental pain: that pain isn’t caused by anyone here. That pain was caused by her daughter, the architect of a demented plot for revenge fantasy. Plus I’m not susceptible to gaslighting so there’s that.


Good grief.

Bottom triangle side is hate between MHG and LK. MHG and MB side is love. The side linking MB is neither personal love or hate but a business relationship of ambivalence. Was it worth putting up with the pressure of girlfriend MHG to fire LK? Is it worth the training fees to put off MHG for a few months?

It was a very unstable geometry.

If it had been love between MHG and MB and simple hate between LK and both MHG and MB, he would have simply asked her to leave in April instead of trying to sustain an unsustainable situation.

I’m not basing this on what LK has said. I’m basing this entirely on facts disclosed in the trial. Especially on the MHG testimony that a Seeker provided.

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EVERYONE wanted LK out!!! Has anyone stepped forward saying they wanted this woman to stay? Even the barn workers she allegedly paid? Nope. Not one soul.