Barisone assessment

LK had zero right to stay in that barn.


MHG wasn’t the one that engaged in a campaign of psychological terror against someone. She isn’t the one that whined on social media about being “bullied by a 6’3” man." She isn’t the one that bragged about her guns on social media vis-a-vis her ongoing “dispute” with someone. She isn’t the one that refused to move out from a place where she wasn’t wanted. She isn’t the one that snuck around at night in a Ninja outfit. She isn’t the one that called SS to insinuate children were at risk there. She isn’t the one that notified local authorities that there may be fire code and building code violations there. She isn’t the one gloating that a man has been locked up for three years and is STILL locked up after being VINDICATED by a jury of his peers.

LK’s mother, on the other hand, apparently fully supports her daughter’s reasons for doing all those things. So yeah, as long as she willingly participates in this thread and similar threads, she is absolutely fair game for discussion.


Re bolded. There is absolutely nothing wrong with MHG pressuring her boyfriend to get rid of LK in a legal way. Nothing wrong. Nothing wrong at all. 100% understandable.

The problem is MBs response to the pressure. Instead of making a choice between MHGs comfort and the fees from LK as a business matter, he tried to have it both ways. That made it extremely unstable.

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Yes. Yes… I do doubt this.

LK was on social media and the forums posting about her situation in September of 2019. She was routinely engaging with everyone on these forums right up until she was banned. Her social media went private and quiet during the actual criminal trial, but she got on YouTube almost immediately afterwards… engaging with anyone and everyone. I’m not friends with her on social media, and have no idea what she is saying on her now private accounts…

Anyway… I agree that the ongoing discussion across social media must be agitating and upsetting her. But it’s complicated. She is objectively and obviously an attention seeking person, and even negative attention compels her.

I do not suspect she has any wish to EVER experience a gun shot again. She did go through a horrible physical trauma. My guess is she will avoid conflict in the future that could conceivably get that volatile, and lead to that sort of horror. But battling it out with words on keyboards in a public way? Yeah… she’s not particularly averse to that, from what I can tell, regardless of how harsh the discussion and debate gets.

Frankly, the more combative the discussion on social media is… the more it seems she wants to engage in it… either personally, or via alleged proxies from her personal inner circle.


All the more reason to scratch your head as to why MB did not ask her to leave prior to Aug 5. That just reinforces my point.

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She knew because she was listening to all of MB’s private conversations.

Yes. That is pretty much what all normal people would do. I have once again learned something on COTH, that there are a strange number of people who think their desire to control their trainer’s every thought/movement means something.


He moved definitively to get LK out and still she wouldn’t go. Plus the fantasy that it was necessary to wait for that official piece of paper for a 3D chess player to comprehend they are no longer wanted is disingenuous. It’s blatantly obvious this was a game for LK. The heinous game of (admittedly) a narcissist.


In three years has there been even one person who actually knows Lauren Kanaerek in real life (other than family) come forward here or anywhere to defend, promote, support her? Any examples of being a wonderful person, contributing to society as she can? Nope. No one.

I wonder, does she tell her dry cleaner, barn owners, farrier, any business person in her life, who they can have as a companion or employee or demand they run their business solely around her needs?! What an entitled woman. Oh, yeah, that’s worked in the past for her because she threatens them with legal action or something if she doesn’t get her way. How scary it is there are people on this planet with that level of behavior. Reminds me of a certain “politician”.


[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:3351, topic:773116, full:true”]

I do agree with you that it has ALWAYS been a head scratcher to me that MB didn’t formally notify LK he wished for her to move out of the house, and move her horses earlier.

I do not agree that the $5000 per month he allegedly was receiving from her adequately explains keeping her on at the house and the farm throughout the spring and summer of 2019. I think there is more to the story. But… I don’t know exactly what the other aspects of the situation were.


And lacking in drama.
It’s why the focus on MHG, and on MBs other relationships.

They thrive on it.
Life to them is boring without it.


funny thing is though, before they showed up here the focus was on Daddio.
I am sure it is not easy for them to see the family laundry on a public clothesline like this, but the Tony-worthy performance trying to hide the (blood) stains…
this topic would have died down within a day or two of the original question where MB’s status was concerned.

On the other hand, Seeker deserves every kick in the shin for her assessment that MB was ‘already crazy’ when there are piles of files regarding her own flesh and blood acting out in public, and only by the grace of G-d and the connections of Daddio isn’t daughter doing time.
Glasshouse and rocks, I’d say. Not to mention the unkind thoughts offered in regard to mental illness, when they probably need the help themselves, perhaps family wide.


I believe he told her umpteen times in umpteen ways, including “get the **** off my property”. I have no doubt that he did. But she had to continue pushing his buttons, calling various agencies with bogus and contrived complaints, egged on by RG who, for some insane reason thought he was owed $50,000, disregarding all rational thought. It came down to I will win at all costs and get my way or we will Finish the Bastard. Lauren doesn’t think about end results. She never has and never will. She thinks in terms of fairy tales and princes and princesses and what she demands in the moment. I guarantee she can not tell you what her expectations were that August other than MHG gone. Then what? Did she think all would be love and roses and a quick road to Olympic glory? I am seriously asking because it’s a serious question that will be discussed in the civil trials.


It’s his farm, his business.
He has a right to have whomever he likes to work with there. Regardless of how uncomfortable it might make another client.
That’s his own business decision to make.
No one else’s.



Keep moving the goalposts


General thought in response to this. Narcissists simply do not handle rejection well. Narcissistic rage in response? That’s an entirely predictable thing.


And MB didn’t get that wealth from daddy, or the bank.
He earned it. Himself.
I bet that bothers her too.




But they will, potentially, which is why review of the case is helpful


To me it says he is a nice guy, and also not one to be pressured, he makes up his own mind. Which, again from my perspective, is exactly why LKs actions had the results they did. This is a person who is in control of himself, and probably due to his past trauma, can recognize another person who is struggling (LK). So he gives her some slack, not realizing what she wants it for.
She takes the slack as weakness, not strength. But his is a brittle strength, she yanks, he cracked. End of.


You miss the point entirely. You and your trainer have a business relationship. Full stop. You do not get involved in their relationships. You ride your horse and pay your trainer and otherwise mind your business. LK decided it was some kind of competition for MB’s attention, whether for training purposes or she was looking for something else, who knows… but she made it personal.