Barisone assessment

Unless Daddy knows she can be difficult and didn’t want to deal with her until he absolutely had to.

Many families with addicts in their lives deal with the walking on eggshells about when to do or say something, and how, while bracing for impact of what they know will be unpopular with this person.




Oh. Interesting.


She awoke from her coma to find herself with the SM hate flinging in full swing.

What really disgusted me is that on the evening of Aug 7, when it was not clear to her family whether she would live or die, and it was not known to people outside her family the identity of possibly fatally shot woman, the SM warriors were arming themselves with screenshots of her SM posts before they could be deleted.

It’s chilling. If she had died, would the haters have refrained from the posthumous assault? I doubt it.

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What was suggested were criminal acts. Your continued defense of someone’s willingness to consider engaging in criminal acts against another person is very telling. Especially considering the already lengthy list of charges that have been filed against not just LK and RG, but against mom and dad as well.

I wonder if the civil trial will be revealing actual criminal acts committed against Barisone.

We don’t need criminals, or anyone willing to engage in criminal behavior, in equestrian sports.


Maybe MHG was aware or noticed more than MB, wrt the toll the toxic two/threesome was having on the tenor of the farm and business.
Maybe she saw that the well oiled business MB had worked so hard to create, that employed so many, and gave so much to equestrian sport was at risk before he did.
A good partner says something if they see disaster ahead.


Her father seemed to have tiptoed around it, around her too.
Maybe that says something, maybe those who tip toe know something you are refusing to consider…


Here is the other thing. What is wrong with strength in numbers?


More extortion demands coming from this family….all the more reason for us to NOT stop talking about this.


Maybe LK should have thought about SM and her presence there before she decided to “FINISH THE BASTARD”, and how her actions would be received by others on SM.

Just maybe!




I for one can’t wait until the civil trial makes the people making these arguments look like fools.


Or keeping people around to diffuse the situation.
I much prefer the good behavior of my cray family when people they don’t know are around.
They don’t want strangers to see their cray, so they behave.



Or actual physical witnesses, so when they have to call the police again they can have a crowd of people saying “LK did this and RG did that” and hopefully the police will actually listen.

Really, wanting to have numbers there was a smart move on MB’s part and it is sad that others want to make it into something else.


I think this will turn out to be a semantics thing. I have a strong suspicion that MB did formally tell her he was ending the training agreement and because the house was part of that, he thought that by extension that was notice to leave the house. Meanwhile I notice the argument on this board fixated on the tenant side and not the training side.

They are very quick to point out that LK was texting MB about training/shows; but that does not mean that MB was actually acknowledging or going along with them. If MB was actually engaging with LK to continue furthering a training relationship, I would have thought the prosecution would find that relevant to bring up at the trial.


That too.

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Well, it says much about them, if they can’t see the positive aspect of having people around, for the sake of all .


I’m not caught up yet, but I’ll comment anyway.

IIRC, RG was in the barn the morning of August 7th. The farrier was there. He (the farrier) told RG that he (the farrier) had been told not to shoe LK’s horses. RG then texted this information to LK who responded with “Finish the Bastard”. So just hours before the shooting.

I think it would have been helpful to have heard from the farrier during the trial and the confrontation he had with RG that morning. Mr. B tried to raise the issue, but was shot down pretty quickly.

And yes, I do understand that RG was not on trial.


Perhaps he’ll be part of the civil trial?


I am not caught up on the thread (once again), but could we please leave any and all political discussions out of it? There is already plenty going on here without that wrinkle.
