Barisone assessment

In polite society, that’s certainly true.

In other segments of society… :woman_shrugging:


ok all. I have a child (I don’t care how old she is…) that is suffering on multiple levels. You all want to make things more difficult for her. I have spent way too much time addressing issues here. I have always known that a change of heart for most of you is not possible. However, I did my best and that is all I can do. Feel to msg me if you want. I have an open door policy. If I feel your question is any of your business or helps my family in some way, I will answer. If not I will ignore. Whew! I feel like I have a one million lb weight lifted off of my shoulders. Hope you all find happiness and the best version of yourselves.

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Did anyone actually believe that story for one second?




How is anyone being “extorted”?

This is for the person who flagged one of my old posts saying the phrase used was vulgar and against the rules. This is from the children’s book, Y is for Y’all, a Southern alphabet book.


I think that had she known how fragile MBs mental health was, she would have got the heck out. Not to spare him, but to spare herself.

If MHG, JH, RC, and Tarshis didn’t realize the seriousness of his mental fragility, and act on it to protect MB, how do you expect LK to have recognized it? She was just a client, not the girlfriend, psychiatric professional or lawyers friend.

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The “pressure” she put on him and everyone else on that farm was terrorism. So, you condone putting a business owner under pressure to get your way?


Well, trubandloki is carefully QFPing all my posts, so you’ll have all the ammunition you want!

Should I QFP all of yours?

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Considering her goal was to destroy his mental health, this comment makes absolutely no sense.

LK thinks she is playing 3D chess, when in fact she was playing “Go Fish”. She overplayed her hand and got caught. Nothing more, nothing less!




SM drama and vitriol that she enjoyed, embraced and wallowed in were in all force before she was shot. Before she was in a coma. The SM “warriors” - which, coincidentally, is how you are presenting yourself in these threads - knew from experience that posts would be deleted or edited.

NOTHING. When our BO decided to confront our venomous barn manager as well as the Trainer B**** From Hell that preceded her and fire them, she requested that a few of the boarders who had concerns, myself and another employee be there. That way, neither one of those self-important frauds could claim that something different was said or done. It also showed them that it was not just one or two people that wanted them GONE.


I consider the training agreement to be bundled with the housing agreement. No need to focus on one side vs the other.

He could have said at any time, I’m ending the training/housing agreement as of 30 days from now. I’d appreciate it if you leave earlier.

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I sincerely hope you and your family find peace. I sympathize with your situation.

I know all too well the ‘love the person, dislike/don’t support their actions’ feeling.

If my family member, who is an addict/alcoholic with BPD and engages in some terrible behavior, was the subject on an Internet forum, I would not out my family member and agree with internet strangers on how awful that person is.

My guess is that I would say some similar things to what you have stated.
We can only help so much. We can’t force addicts into rehab. You (g) have no idea how much we tried to help.
IF your daughter is not allowed into your home, it says to me you have implemented and enforced boundaries. Good for you. Those of us with addicts in our lives learn we have to, and can only, take care of ourselves.

I’m not on anyone’s side. Other than to say I think the verdict was fair and just, my opinions on the entire circus of events doesn’t matter.


Invest in some covers for use at crime scenes in case of rain maybe? :woman_shrugging:


It won’t bother me at all. I don’t delete and so my record is complete already, but if you feel the need to do so, then go ahead.


So, what exactly was the role of JK’s negotiations to leave the training agreement and take up at some other barn if it was not notice and voluntary agreement to waive the 30 days? Stalling? Gaslighting? Fraudulently representing himself as her agent?


I know you assume I was in the group of early posters, but nope, I didn’t begin posting here, or anywhere else about her, until late September and well after she began attacking others while recuperating. For some reason Ms Nir chose “Eggbutt” to toss into her NYT article and I’ve been the primary villain since. I’ve often wondered why out of all the really, really vicious posts made, it was Eggbutt selected to target. Woe is me.


The only reason you care that SM posts might be edited or deleted is if want the full arsenal of posts to use against someone in an anticipated war. Isn’t that why trubandloki is continuing with the blanket QFPing of three posters? There must be some reason.

Do you think the bashing would have still happened if she had died (while the screenshotting was being done).

You know, as a mom of a twenty-something daughter, I’m gobsmacked at what is going on here.

If by some chance my well-raised god-fearing daughter went down the wrong path and got shot, here’s what I’d do:

  • Stay by her side and nurse her back to health
  • Get her psychiatric help IMMEDIATELY to process the trauma and learn what lead to it
  • Support her during the trial emotionally
  • Accept the verdict and look FORWARD not back in order to heal
  • Get her as far away from the people who precipitated the incident

You know what I would NOT do?

  • Participate in dredging up past events. Those should be addressed with the victim and her therapist to help them move FORWARD.
  • Try to justify provably bad behavior
  • Argue with a bunch of internet strangers trying to change their minds. Spoiler alert: YOU CAN’T.

Now back to your regular programming…