Barisone assessment

It does bother me. Not because I’m ashamed of my posts or delete much, but because I think I should be free to edit or delete along the same rules as everyone else.

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Yes, and something I have mentioned multiple times in regards to this situation.

“Flight-forward rage” is often the response when someone with NPD doesn’t get their way.


They were also taking screenshots before the shooting happened. It was a train wreck, people talk.

Wonder why? That’s not normal for these situations. Could be bc this wasn’t her first rodeo.


The reason there are people “quoting for prosperity” is there are those who post here who edit and delete in a dirty fashion.

You know this. You have known this for quite some time.

But that is fine. The reason is here for all to see!


IME men are often clueless concerning subtle social dynamics especially between women


You can still edit and delete. QFP doesn’t stop you from doing that. What you should be worried about is the screenshots. Who knows how many of those exist out there…




What a disturbing question. She didn’t die, and once released from the hospital picked up where she left off with her horrendous behavior!
Had she behaved as her nemesis, MHG, has and stayed off SM regarding the situation I doubt she would even be considered as afterthought after all this time. You always seem to fail to recognize, Lauren is her own worst enemy and keeps the drama going!


MB’s past actions were not allowed in the criminal trial, only his actions and state of mind in regards to the indictments.

As a victim, LK was not given that legal protection. Though the judge tried to keep the trial on MB’s actions, LK’s actions were fair game as related to how they affected MB’s state of mind. That included the presentation of the existence of a 726 I think page investigative report.

A civil trial will bring out everything about both. This will likely not be good for the horse world or either party or for parties knowledgeable of past behavior of either person.

With that and hoping personally not to see either party subject to that kind of spotlight and conjecture from SM, I hope they settle.

I hope all parties can move on with their lives. I see this as a train wreck between two fragile people of mutually assured destruction that didn’t have to be and I hope they can go on to heal and rebuild.



@Seeker1 is not necessary for that appearance.

I have a question.

Does anyone know when LK obtained that horse from MB? I think it’s name was “JJ.”

And does anyone know if it had been fully paid for at the time of the shooting?


I believe his name is JT.
I have not inside information but from reading here I believe JT was paid for.

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What “past actions” pray tell? A ticket in FL?


Good point. And Schellhorn would have stressed that it was evidence that MB was acting rationally and therefore apparently not being driven insane by LK.


Is that what I said?

I had another thought about that. In a previous post I mentioned how common it is to pay barn workers directly for some services rather than keeping track of them and adding them to a monthly bill.

But I think something completely different happened here. We have the $5K for two horses, training and the apartment, and two more horses being paid for, supposedly, by Rob’s renovation work.

Whenever things went bad about the renovation, when it was clear that Rob’s work was 1.) minimal and 2.) substandard; I would speculate that Barisone told the barn staff to do the bare minimum for the four horses. Feed, clean stalls, turn out, nothing else. Because $5K doesn’t cover living accommodations for the people and good, even minimalist, care for four horses in that part of the world.

So LK paying the HH barn staff (bc MB wouldn’t or couldn’t) is much more likely her having to pay directly for anything related to the horses past basic care.

Hence all the talk about wrapping the one horse.

I also strongly suspect that’s what actually happened with the farrier. MB didn’t tell the farrier “not to shoe her horses”; MB told the farrier he would not be paid through the farm account for her horses and if he shod her horses, the farrier would have to secure payment through LK directly. To her and Rob, that was the same as telling him not to shoe the horses bc they didn’t have a way to pay the farrier or their exaggerated sense of entitlement made them think they shouldn’t have to pay. (If I was the farrier, I would have wanted cash or PayPal up front before I picked up a hoof.)

As corroborating evidence, I offer that MB was a good business man. You don’t build a high level horse business without good business skills; it’s an incredibly difficult business to succeed in. Maybe Vera was a big help as a business manager, but you just don’t get to where he was without some serious business acumen.

So I think as some point, either when he saw the condition of the house and Rob’s “work” or when the training arrangement fell apart, MB acted to mitigate his losses. If he was only ever gonna get the $5K/month from JK, he was going to try to make sure he didn’t put out more than $5K.

That’s the logical explanation for claiming she was paying the barn staff because he couldn’t and wouldn’t.

And, btw, how can a person in that situation claim they didn’t know they were no longer welcome? Or believe that it was all pressure from the gf, that Barisone actually still wanted them there? And who doesn’t pack up their horses and leave when you’re so unwelcome that barn staff have been instructed to do nothing more than basic care?

ETA: Punctuation and correcting a typo.


No ma’am, I replied to your reply of @CurrentlyHorseless post, which was:

The problem is MBs response to the pressure. Instead of making a choice between MHGs comfort and the fees from LK as a business matter, he tried to have it both ways. That made it extremely unstable.

Sorry for the confusion!


Yes, well, that certainly would be ideal.

With an adult, you can’t force them into treatment. You can offer to pay for it, do an intervention, give them consequences if they don’t go, etc. But, unless they are an immediate threat to themselves or someone else (also not a piece of cake to prove), they have to be willing to go.

Here’s an example of how well meaning, supportive parents do everything they possible can but still have a miserable outcome.
First rehab at age 15. Minor so yes, it was forced. Second rehab at 17. Third rehab at 18. This one was via intervention and pleading.
Fourth rehab at 20. Repeat of invention and pleading. Fifth rehab at 25. This one was their own choice.
Yea…. they made their own choice so all is well now. They will finally turn their life around. All of our efforts paid off. Not.

Said person admitted that each time they were in rehab all they concentrated on was getting out and using again.
We changed cities. We changed states. We tried what we could to provide a different environment, different counseling.

Bottom line, this person is now 35. Still uses heroin. Still not allowed in our house.

While I do not makes excuses, I also don’t bring it up. We have moved on with OUR lives. The choices that person makes are their own. The consequences of their actions are theirs alone to deal with.

Regardless of what a pita this person is, I will not listen to anyone telling me what to do or how to handle this situation. Especially not strangers.
Unless you’ve lived it, you have no idea. And it’s not helpful, and quite mean in my opinion, to criticize a parent of an addict. Again, you have no idea what they’ve been through or how they’ve tried to help.


‘Murder on the Orient Express’