Barisone assessment

Thanks, do we know when that ownership transfer occurred?

I think this is a fair bet as to what transpired.


I can feel your pain in your post and I’m so sorry. Honestly, I believe all of us have a person in our family who has/had issues. It is incredibly difficult :sleepy:

You have moved on with your life and I can’t applaud loudly enough for the strength it took you to do that. Sincerely.


What pressure did she put on him prior to the July 13 text?

Apparently the “finish the bastard” text was only hours before the shooting and he had not even seen it.

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Again, totally irrelevant. She had a plan that she working already.


Jay-T’s USEF/USDF ownership was updated to LK well after the incident occurred. I recall posts on the early threads saying he was still listed in Barisone’s name (which isn’t unusual). To my recollection she bought in April or May 2019 but I could be off a few months. What are you thinking?

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That is what I remember as well.

What text is this?

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It is interesting that you bring this up. Your daughter will be on trial during the civil proceedings - just like Amber Heard was. That is what happens when you sue someone or some sues you.
Just as we talked about MB for over 2 years before his trial I am sure some of us will talk about your daughter. Sometimes the words are for purposes of education or entertainment.
I read this forum in the beginning for education. I will continue to read this for both education of legal matters in the horse industry and the entertainment factor of *Wow! *.
Why not enjoy your life, and your daughter(s), and stay off webpages and forums that cause you strife?
Let us enjoy talking about what we like.
In my case I am very invested in watching the civil trial. I hope that MB can have a sense of closure in his life by the truth coming out.


perhaps in their mind they cannot fathom that the fake eyelashes are failing to seduce the target
And since they are hyper aware fo the female competition, it HAS to be the woman who sees through their masquerade.
Because the other woman is trembling in her boots for fear of the aversary…you know the shtick.



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No worries, thank you for the clarification!

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Glad you asked!

From trial testimony, on July 10, we know she was searching CPS on her phone. Admittedly, MB wouldn’t know that, but something precipitated that.

On July 12, again, from trial testimony, she posted a rant about MHG on FB, that she, also during the trial, admitted could be perceived as threatening.


So in your quote you posted are you saying the rob and lauren in brackets is part of a text that MB sent to MHG? Or was the text "they will be broken by force of numbers?
Is there somewhere I can see that quote?


Maybe since MB’s lawyer was working with JK about another farm to move for about a week, the thought that LK would be aware of the fact he didn’t want her there anymore. Unless JK didn’t bother to communicate that?


I agree and believe LK knew quite well she wasn’t wanted since she had planted recording devices all over the facility and was listening to everyone’s conversations.


According to testimony back in March. I think the 20th, MHG had told her it’s time to go and MB was trying to make nice. So it’s reasonable to assume the pressures were present back then as well.

Eta. I also believe March 27th is when she told RW that she bought cameras but then said she lied


I am going to need a glossary…
who is RW?
and it took me a while to realize that NPD was not a derilict police department…


YES! (Side note, this is one of three texts they discussed that happened on Aug 3rd, after dad and Mr T came to an agreement, LK was telling the cops she has secret recordings, and RG was searching MHG’s kids, all on that day. For context)


Mr S: …is that a text message from Michael Barisone to you on august 3rd 2019?

MHG: yes

Mr S: Did he tell you I need people here, adults, granddad. I told Ruth she can’t leave. They will be broken by force of numbers.

MHG: That is correct.


Great catch.