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Barisone assessment

well, they dwell in the darkness.
Stuff happens when you ninja around a farm barefood, or stick your hands in dark places…(but most people will state unevoquivically that once is more than enough and they no longer stick their hands into Recluse territory!)


Incorrect, as I have posted a couple times now. On July 12, LK posted a FB post about MHG that she said could be perceived as threatening.


2029 has not happened yet.


Interestingly, the one that testifies the most about this is RG, who testifies she had always been trained by JH, from that first summer in NJ, the winter and FL, the return to NJ. But then she decided something about needing to progress.


Yes, I remember LK saying on line that RG did fine work—always got 5* reviews from customers—but he hated it.

That’s when LK suggested he be an independent contractor. He never got a license, but did open a LLC.

Those bath remodeling companies seem to be pretty prevalent in midsize cities. You might hate it, but if you are broke and hungry…….



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Do YOU stay somewhere that you very clearly are not welcome? A place where no one wants to even be around you? No, normal people move on and handle any contract violations via attorneys, especially when you are posting the BS she was posting on FB. Please be realistic as to what any normal individual person would do.


Didn’t LK allude at one point to an insurance check for $100,000? I think the conjecture was that it was a claim settlement for the water damage from the broken pipe in the house. IIRC, this was also assumed to be the reason why she was hinting at “insurance fraud” although it is unknown why they would think there was fraud involved.

My guess is that either she and RG got po’d that MB wasn’t going to use it to pay RG cash for the work he had done on the house and barn, OR they decided to pressure him to split it with them so they wouldn’t “spill the beans” about fraud.


Wrong. Your trick won’t work. I’m not talking about the human domicile. I’m talking exclusively about the horses occupying barn space. Horses, as chattel, have zero tenancy rights snd can be compelled to leave at any time. They are never considered part of a human/landlord tenancy.


LK testified that she approached the insurance adjuster to suggest/ask if it could be insurance fraud.

The insurance adjuster testified that he’d never spoken to her.

I always assumed more nefarious measures behind that claim….


He also testified it was a regular, common, frozen pipe claim that happens a lot. FWIW.

Which is why I have wondered about that, too.


I sure didn’t feel good about getting clipped by IRS this year for an additional $19,000. Didn’t mean I had a cash flow problem, though, and my monthly expenses aren’t anywhere close to what MB’s were. :laughing:


Ah, I had forgotten about that bit of testimony. And I also have suspicions about nefarious motives.


It was proven in a court of law. Otherwise he would have been found simply NG, not NGRI and he would have walked out of court that day.

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I thought it was $150,000, but that last paragraph is an interesting theory. Hmmmm……




More likely it was she was just mad that MHG was going to get the renovated house she wanted. Can’t have anything good happening for MHG now can we?


I agree. With the news of the recent 48 Hours interview, maybe they’re trying to build a case like “Look, those awful people on COTH are still bullying us.” They’re trying to build sympathy from future viewers of the program.


Great post, @ekat. Thank you for being factual and providing the testimony. It seems no matter how factual one is, k-klan will distort anything to try to satisfy their own narratives. Broken records.

Edit: Sorry, not sure why everything quoted weird.

  1. Speculation here as to whether or not the jury would be sequestered.
  2. The criminal trial and SM comments during the same including speculation the jury and families were reading SM posts.
  3. The judge shutting down comments on Law and Order and their echo of comments here.
  4. Rereading the first threads to back up my own comments and noticing the introduction and close alignment of a version of events with the timing of addition of a prolific poster and the hiring of Bilinkas.
  5. The concentrated attack on other views of events than that one.
  6. Thinking my imagination was working overtime and the idea was preposterous until being accused of it here.
  7. An article about at home side jobs in retirement listing being on a virtual jury and wondering what other jobs a defense attorney could farm out.
  8. AH/JD articles on the dynamics of televised trials and crowd choosing of winners and losers.

Social media is wonderful for finding old friends and keeping up with friends and family. It’s great for “how to do” type videos, training, etc. However, other uses to manipulate public opinion can be problematic. Politically, the use can be very sophisticated and powerful. So I wonder how it can affect our courts.

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