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Barisone assessment

I always felt YD’s mission in life was to influence potential jurors.


Every single trainer I’ve ever had would had NEVER tolerated no-shows that were not outside of an emergency. Absolutely not. They were serious horse men and women and I imagine MB took riding just as seriously.


And 48 hours is thinking, “Yay, bring on the viewers!”


Ok. Right. Barn. Ok. Different from house. @Knights_Mom I should have noticed you said barn not house.

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Thank you. I think it’s always important to include context, and full quotes when possible because that’s usually more illuminating.


Good detail.

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SM for the most part used to drive me crazy, but I’m beginning to realize that, as awful as it can be, it’s also seems to have now occurred to politicians (especially) some celebrities and even some criminals that it will eventually catch up to them and not in a good way.




It wasn’t a trick. I should have paid more attention to the word barn which was pointed out by someone else. Apologies to you.


There fixed it for you. Bolding mine.




I have an honest question: Have you ever ridden with a “BNT”? I have. Do you honestly think that Lauren’s riding ability (and the paltry amount she was paying to board and train her horses) would have dictated that she have unfettered access to an Olympic caliber trainer? I don’t.

Why do you think that she was entitled to MB’s training when she (based on testimony) didn’t pay full freight, and (based on testimony) didn’t oft show up to do the work, and (based on show records and video) wasn’t that talented? Curious…


[quote=“hut-ho78, post:3555, topic:773116, full:true”]

I appreciate your perspective and those concerns are actually not new. Since the advent of cell phones and especially with smart phones, courts have been worried about internet/phone useage. I can’t speak to every jurisdiction, but I think most judges are pretty hard on any attorneys who engage in unethical practice. And many attorneys are too, and won’t hesitate to out a colleague who is crossing the line.

I do think some of your concerns are not applicable to this situation, because I suspect this is a very uninteresting case in the grand scheme of things, and probably won’t be televised if/when it goes to trial.

I think media in general is a risk, and I wouldn’t limit your concerns to one side or the other, since LK herself has shown she is quite willing to engage in all sorts of online shenanigans. I don’t recall if this is a jury trial or bench trial, but most jurers really do take their duty to be impartial quite seriously, as does the court. No judge wants the legal process marred by bad online behavior, it is not at all a game to them.


Here we go again…the conflicting testimony of two known, admitted liars didn’t prove anything, nor did the massive amounts of forensic evidence /s.


Well, that would work except it also shows how desperate they appear to control the narrative on an insignificant forum. Same for YouTube.


For the legal gurus, what normally isn’t allowed in a civil trial?


Hearsay isn’t allowed unless you are using not for factualness of the statement but for state of mind.


We may be insignificant, along with Youtube, but when 48 Hours hits screens nation-wide, millions will see them for what they are. They know this.

Lastest viewership numbers for 48 Hours - 2.82 million in the 18-49 demographic. Many more, I’m sure, for the 50 and ups.

I have to be pretty bored to watch a true crime show. When I do, I always google the case after watching the show to see if there is any other information available. Think how many people will know way more about the Kanareks than the Kanareks want known.


Seances, ouija boards, sun tanning and buffet lunches. Pretty much everything else goes. It varies even between judges and jurisdictions, regional/national politics, media access and local politics.


But this is the difference. Your relative is having to face the consequences of their actions on their own, as any adult should do. You are not enabling the continued poor behavior. You have gone above and beyond to help this individual, but you are not providing a soft spot for them to land where they can avoid consequences.

I’m so sorry you have gone through this and wish you a peaceful heart knowing you did everything that you could. :kissing_heart: