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Barisone assessment

But she didn’t look elsewhere.
Why not?
Just leave. You’ve got the super talented horses, the dedicated amateur rider working tirelessly to improve with limitless funding… She could have gone to any other BNT.
Especially if there had been a bait and switch to the agreement, if shed basically been sold a bill of goods she was unhappy with.
Why didn’t she just move on to all those other trainers she chose MB over?


You mean Lauren was jealous of the attention that MHG was getting from MB.


No. Solely on your daughter’s part. Why on earth would MHG ever be jealous of LK?


Are you trying to suggest that Lauren and Mary should somehow have been treated equally? One of them is a very talented rider and trainer who contributed to the business by coaching riders and training top horses. She was also the romantic and possibly business partner of Michael.

One is a mid-level average amateur boarder paying a dollar store rate but expecting Rolls Royce treatment and attention. She was a customer - nothing more and nothing less. Rob testified he was doing the bare minimum of renovation work possible, and there was nothing else positive he or Lauren contributed to the business.

Why on earth would Lauren expect to be treated as anything more than an ordinary student / boarder? It was none of her business what the arrangement between Michael and Mary was. None of her business how many horses Mary had there, and whether or not she was paying their board. NONE OF HER BUSINESS.

Lauren’s only role was to show up in time, ride in her lessons, and try to follow her coach’s instructions. Period. And apparently she didn’t even do that.




mhg wanted ALL of michael’s attention despite what he had promised LK

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I have no difficulty whatsoever imagining that these 2 are unable to comprehend that they are not the absolute center point aaround which the universe revolves.


One last snippet of interest from the video of RG I linked above:


Mr B: Did she always show up on time to her riding lessons?

RG: I mean no. I highly doubt anybody ever shows up everywhere on time.

**Now, if I were a trainer at any level of anything at all, horses, dogs, people, any activity, that attitude would drive me nuts.


I figured it out. MHG was jealous of LK’s eyelashes.


(Nod to BrendaJane for the image.)


A deal is a deal

And so, move on and sue them for breach of contract.
Less fun than a campaign of harassment, I guess? I wouldn’t know.


I have an issue with you not understanding how odd this statement is. A fiance/girlfriend/wife does want their lovers attention.

Customers should know their place and I don’t believe for a second MB promised LK anything more than any other customer. And until such time as there is proof that MB stated he would venerate LK above and beyond all others, LKs obsession with this point just screams of weirdness and severe social issues.


I genuinely doubt this is true. The only attention due LK was the number of lessons she paid for/mo. No reason to be jealous of that especially as MB wasn’t even teaching those lessons. MB did not devote a great deal of attention to LK as per RG’s testimony under oath. Other trainers were working with LK. This claim has no substance - it doesn’t even make sense based on RG’s testimony.

Quick recap: RG --> MB wasn’t training LK = not much attention on LK from MB = nothing for MHG to care about even if she would care about such a thing. The end.


I mean, it seems to have been an ok deal summer in NJ, a winter in FL, and a return to NJ when JH, not MB, was doing the training. Otherwise, you wouldn’t stay, or keep moving with them, right?


I would appreciate your refraining from quoting just a fragment of a sentence of mine.

What I said was

My interpretation was what Seeker stated was that, in her opinion, MHG was jealous of the attention MB was giving LK That’s quite different from LK being jealous of the attention MB was giving LK”.

I have no earthly clue as to whether MHG was jealous of the time and attention MB was giving MHG. How would I? Perhaps Seeker does.

Is there disagreement as to the fact that MHG wanted LK off the property? At least since April? To me what matters is that there was pressure from MHG on MB to get LK out of there, and I don’t think it matters as to the exact reason or reasons. Maybe it was personal dislike. Maybe she resented MBs attention directed to LK. Maybe she just wanted the farmhouse vacated.

I’m pointing out that obviously LK would have known from the get go that MB is going to devote most of his attention to his talented, hardworking, ambitious assistant trainer and fiancée.

There is no evidence that LK was jealous of MHG.

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Once again, why didn’t she leave if she was so unhappy? When you aren’t happy with a service, you take your business elsewhere.


Sorry for the partial quote. I thought it was clear since I also tagged Seeker in my post that I realized the sentiment was attributed to Seeker. I did not intend to imply that it was your thinking, just that you had posted in support of it. I’ll amend that post.

Other than the social media posts disparaging her.




I have reoccuring nightmares of being late everywhere.
at the same time, being notoriously early, I have nightmares that I might have missed a change of venue/date/time.
Sure one is late now and then, but not when you have to walk across the compound to get there!


So, in light of RG and MHG’s testimony regarding who was doing the training (Quick recap: JH from beginning forward, MHG in April 2019, MB in background, giving pointers), and, in light of RG testifying that LK didn’t even show up for training on time, isn’t it just possible MHG and JH were just tired of everything and told MB they were done?

We know MHG did exactly that. She testified to it. But it can’t be about jealousy, or not honoring a deal, or whatever, since RG testified so differently.