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Barisone assessment

My dad was one if those “if you’re on time, you’re late” people. So I have the same nightmares.


I give people 15 minutes, but I don’t operate a busy training barn where that can be half the lesson scheduled.


I have limited funds, limited talent, and limited time (cause I worked three jobs to get the funds to boost the talent).
I would never, ever, knowingly, purposefully, unavoidably be late or unprepared for what I scrimped and saved and worked so hard at.
I was also very dedicated at doing my homework.
Because I valued what I’d invested in.


Oh my goodness, that is so me too! I do the same thing!

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Thank you!


If your first lesson is late, the entire day gets messed up, which affects a lot of people. It rolls down on everyone, including other clients. And it’s the trainer that looks bad, always. They take the heat.

Edit to add: I don’t mean you, specifically. Just a general statement about how tardiness can be bad.


Re bolded.

I have no earthly clue as to whether MHG was jealous of the attention MB devoted LK. I never asserted that she was.

I think LK, as well as MHG and MB, should all be allowed get on with their lives as best as possible.

The major SM campaign designed to trash someone is this one right here continuing to trash LK and her family.

I have had the incredible audacity to mention MHG! I have said nothing negative about her. She is a wonderful, talented, ambitious, hard working rider.

It is not “trashing her” to point out that she was one of the three corners of the problematic triangle that tragically imploded. There is nothing “wrong” in dislike for LK or in her love for MB. Denying that the very fact of MHGs existence, however understandable her dislike for LK and love for MB, played a role in the tragedy is a way of trashing LK.


In regard to the bolded part it doesn’t make one bit of difference as to WHY MHG wanted LK gone (though it’s not hard to figure out) and the fact remains when you are unwanted YOU GO.

There is no tenancy rights on boarding a horse, there is no “well that’s not fair” and there is no “She’s just jealous of me”.

LK was a customer and that is it. She wasn’t an asset to the training program but rather a severe liability.



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Talking about the elements of the trial is not trash talking LK and it’s not our fault that her words and actions are so heinous that merely discussing them seems like “trash talking”.

In a perfect world LK would have learned from her past but clearly she didn’t and quite frankly that’s not my problem nor anyone here’s problem except friends and family of LK.

I afford the same courtesy to others as they afford to me.


Who you’ve chosen to further the notion was jealous of an ammy to the point of campaigning to get her tossed from where she was training.

If you’ve spent time training, riding, working in barns of upper level Dressage professionals, you know its nonsense.


Jealous of someone who was barely even getting MB’s notice for over a year, per RG’s testimony.


I thought you had a child to take care of.

What attention? MHG was training Lauren, not MB. Maybe after setting up lessons and seeing her lack of effort MHG and JH were of the opinion LK should just leave. Maybe MHG didn’t even want to teach Lauren. Lauren wasn’t getting any attention from MB because he wasn’t training her. When I was a girl I set up lessons at a BNT farm in CT. The trainer wouldn’t train me until his assistants said I had the skills to deserve his attention. This was Jumpers. Nimrod Farm. Ronnie and Sue Mutch. So I had a lesson with his wife, who sent me to the working students who put me on push button ponies where I rode wound and round a three foot course the no stirrups and no reins for six lessons. Then I earned my way to getting a lesson from Sue his wife. I never got a lesson from Ronnie, because the summer ended and he left for Florida for the winter and I went in different direction after that. But my skills rose considerably, and I learned that’s how it works. You earn your way to the attention of the BNT, you don’t just pay for it and get it.

Lauren apparently did not qualify for Michael’s attention. He had his assistance teaching her. That’s not. Bait and switch. That’s how it works in the dressage world. Even recently she wasn’t being trained any more by the BNT she went to in Florida, but he sent her to one of the assistants. Who fired her. You don’t work, you don’t get the attention. That’s how it goes.


Thank you. The partial quote thing really bothers me, particularly since trubandloki insists on fully quoting every word I write with zero response.

One can have reason to “disparage someone” other than from being jealous, so there is still no evidence that LK “was jealous” of MHG.

If one understands that they are held in intense dislike, or condescended to, the natural reaction is to dislike the person reciprocally. I’m not condoning expressing the reciprocated dislike with disparaging or worse SM posts, but that was LKs thing. I fault her for it.

I also fault all of the major players here (not you in particular, McGurk) for expressing their intense dislike of LK by disparaging and trashing her. I’m gobsmacked that the major players here do not see the parallels between their behavior on SM here and LKs offensive SM behavior.

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I’m sure that exactly how LK’s disordered mind viewed the situation, and how she explained it to her mommy. But there is no basis for that in reality. We all know that. MHG may have been wary from a business perspective of a boarder who was a financial drain on the farm, rather than an income generator, but there is not a shred of evidence and no reasonable grounds to even suspect she was jealous of Lauren for any reason.


Maybe LK was just looking for excuses as to why she wasn’t taking the dressage world by storm and decided to instead just blame everyone else for it.


It’s in LKs manifesto I believe and I’ve posted 2 IM posts where this is stated.


You have previously said Lauren wasn’t getting the attention from Michael she felt she deserved and was paying for. So if she wasn’t getting enough attention, how could Mary be jealous of the attention?

I think you need to question your daughter’s version of events.


I agree, and I don’t see why it matters what the basis for MHG wanting LK off the property was. She clearly wanted her out, and was pressuring MB to that effect.

If LK “was a financial drain” on the farm, all the more reason for MB to end the client relationship early on and legally.


Sigh. Yes, IM said that MHG resented the attention MB was devoting to LK. He did not say that LK was jealous of MHG.