Barisone assessment

But she wasn’t paying for MB to be her trainer. Why would she expect that? She was paying assistant rates, if that. You mean to say when she came to HH with the minimal money she was offering she expected to be taught by MB himself? That’s naiive. Unrealistic. You don’t have a real handle on how these kinds of boarding training situations work. Do you? Nor your daughter it appears. But not surprising since she hadn’t experience in the high levels of dressage world and no clear contract.


Have you heard this from anyone besides Lauren and Rob? Can you stop and think about it and realize how absurd it sounds? Why do you believe it to be true?


Then go where you’re wanted and getting your moneys worth.
Why double down and harass people?


He presented the projection.

And it’s all in the manifesto including the last paragraph citing the punishment for MB choosing MHG over LK.




Higher level trainers expect you to be properly warmed up prior to the start of instruction.


This is the last paragraph of LKs manifesto which, in my opinion, is shocking. I’ve including a text version for easier reading:

Moral of the story- don’t give ultimatums to those you claim to love. Unless you possess some SICK desire for unwanted drama- don’t do it. What you think will make you happy will only cause misery. Take a look around. Is your boyfriend (or girlfriend) happy? Or, living in misery because of your ultimatum? My bet- it’s misery. And it’s only going to get worse. Much worse. If you’ve received insurance money to ensure “all your dreams come true,” I’d suggest covering your tracks better. Or… I’d simply suggest DO NOT GIVE ULTIMATUMS. At least not where others can HEAR YOU. You may not be so happy when your newly found funds have run dry… Sometimes, it’s best to just accept you don’t ALWAYS get your way in life. Sometimes… you meet someone who gives not 2 fucks who you are- or, who your adulterous bf is. Sometimes, you’re outmatched - outwitted - under resourced & giving up what you THOUGHT you wanted most- may save you losing the career you tried to build your livelihood and your relationship. Ultimatums, as I originally stated, ONLY CAUSE resentment. Avoid giving them at ALL costs or all costs will be incurred. The end!


Well that was a quick walk off with all that weight lifted, only to bounce right back in. :sweat_smile:


Ha! That move is straight out of the DH / SW playbook


NP too.
Birds of a feather


“Clearly” to whom? And based on what, other than a few posts from IM?


Since she had been trained by JH for more the an a year, it seems LK did know and understand how things worked.


Actually it was a business arrangement Knights_Mom. If you have a verbal agreement with someone, that is a contract. Despite the fact that this arrangement had been made and he reneged, either MHG or Justin was better than anything else she had lined up at the time. This was my observation at the time. I can’t really speak for her. I am just telling you what I observed. I was a somewhat frequent visitor to the barn and had conversations about this topic here and there with various people.


If you listen to MHG’s testimony, she mentioned it herself on the first day of her testimony.
I have posted this a few times already but MHG makes her feelings clear on this video.

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Based on the text by MB to MHG on July 13 assuring MHG that he would make them so miserable that they would be begging to leave, and assuring her that he was very, very good at it.

Are you seriously questioning that MHG wanted her out?

Interesting that you claim to know how someone else’s mind works.

What you observed? Since when did you go to the barn? That’s not what you said before.

Also, your daughter lies and that was proven in court so her word is impeached now and forever. I don’t for a second believe someone of MBs status agreed to be her only teacher and keep her multiple horses for a pittance of a fee, all things considered.

How do you know there wasn’t a “verbal agreement” for her to get out given your husband was involved in moving her for some time?

If she hadn’t been trained by MB first a year why not move out? Why follow him up from Florida? Why not just go? Why dress up like a veiled ninja? Why file false reports?

There is no defending her or her actions. They are outside the norm of what civilized people do.

Everybody sees it. Everybody knows this was nothing but a mediocre riders temper tantrum which sadly affected the lives of many people.


Everybody wanted her out. I would too. There is no crime in wanting her out. She was not entitled to stay in that barn. Just GO.



My rule with my client lessons (horses years ago and now dogs): If your lesson is scheduled for 1pm, you are paying for my time from 1pm to 2 pm. If you show up at 1:30, your lesson is still done at exactly 2. You’ve paid for that particular hour of my time, not an hour at your leisure.


Let’s review a portion of LK’s testimony.

34:50 (approx)

Mr S: were there any times where you were coached or trained by Mary Haskins Gray during that time specifically or the whole time during the entire time?

LK: uh yes there were

Mr S: and how did you feel about that?

LK: wasn’t very excited about that

Mr S: can you explain why?

LK: to me I did not feel she had the experience, the training, or any of the things that like higher level trainer would possess that I did and or it could just be that, you know, you don’t mesh with the person but to me I didn’t feel she had the experience.

Mr S: did she play any role in your decision to switch your trainer in 2018 and go train with Michael Barisone? In other words did you go train with Michael Barisone because of Mary Haskins Gray?

LK: no

This is followed by a discussion about going to MB because of his experience, being at the top, and how having a top trainer can influence judges at competitions.

So, to recap: JH attained LK for a year (per RG) while MB remained in the background, giving pointers. At some point, this switched to MHG, who, in April, testified it wasn’t working, and told LK, if you don’t like it here, why don’t you leave?

Also relevant testimony- RG stated LK didn’t show up for training on time.

From testimony, LK wasn’t being trained (or getting attention) by MB. For a year+. LK didn’t think MHG was good enough, or experienced enough for her. LK also didn’t bother to show up on time.

Perhaps MHG didn’t want to waste her time waiting on someone who didn’t think her time was valuable?

At any rate, for over a year, LK wasn’t being trained by MB, and if that wasn’t acceptable, she could have left.