Barisone assessment

Which is a very fair and reasonable rule that gives the 2 pm client the respect due.


think what you will. mb did not communicate effectively on many levels and on many fronts. she has had other trainers who were able do do this quite effectively.

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Well, they were both on YT comments yesterday.

Really now, evidence in the civil trial that will result in serious perjury charges for two witnesses? Projection?


I read it in my best mental Sheldon voice.

So confusing, the whole thing.
Why stay with a trainer who is not giving you what you want?

I can totally understand any trainer, even one not high enough level, not wanting to continue to train someone who is so not serious enough to show up on time.

When does the burden of you (the rider) not reaching your goals fall on your own shoulders when you are not showing up on time and skipping lesson?


There is no crime in wanting her out. 100% understand and agree.

Why is it MB had not asked her to leave, as late as August 3, per sworn testimony of MHG?

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If LK routinely does not adhere to her end of the deal (doesn’t show up to lessons) then why would she expect MB to continue to teach her?That’s entitled behavior on LK’s end. Where did she learn that??


But she chose to stay, even after this. After not getting her moneys worth. After a bait and switch. After knowing she wasn’t wanted. While knowing she had other capable trainers she knew, one assumes she could have returned to, whom “were able do do this quite effectively”.
Yet, she stayed.


If true because of this Lauren had to FINISH THE BASTARD?


OMG do you ever stop with this? Explain why JK was engaged in finding and negotiating another place if they did not know MB wanted her out?


There is no evidence that LK was jealous of the attention MHG got.

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Let me get this straight - recognizing MHG’s abilities, talent and work at the barn is a way of trashing LK? How very convoluted and peculiar.

LK trashed herself - the ninja antics, the endless preening, sneering SM posts - even long before the day of the shooting. She continues to do so - I am not sure why she is trying to blow up her civil case… but there you have it.

As far as the bolded goes - I have to laugh at the idea that this small forum is a major SM “campaign”… other than serving as yet another place for LK to rage and rant and for others to bend over backwards to justify her words and actions. The worst trashing of LK has been done/is done by… herself. The contradictions, the threats, the hints of bombshells… it is all very sad.


Her manifesto makes it clear. She was jealous and wanted to and threatened to punish MHG. It’s all right there.


Stop being so darn logical!


Who writes a manifesto?
Who Does That?


He did not unilaterally request that she leave with 30 days notice.

Since he wanted her out quickly, JK was negotiating to make that happen in a way that was acceptable to both parties.

Since MB did not want to go the route he could have taken unilaterally, he had to get her agreement to leave sooner than 30 days.

LOL. ROTFLMAO. No other response.

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I have learned from this forum - be very careful who you (general) take legal advice from.


So, we’re back to that piece of paper being motivation MB, Mr Tarshis and her own father couldn’t provide? The piece of paper is what’s magically going to get her out?

Or, is that notice going to instead cause her to dig in her heels enough her dad hires her an attorney, meanwhile, she decides to call SS and sends RG to city offices with building complaints, post receipt of the notice?


From a strictly legal perspective, it seems MB erred as an experienced successful business man/horseman, in failing to have a written contract on the front end and failing to timely take legal action to evict client/tenant and/or put an agistor lien on the horses for unpaid board bills. If nothing else, it is is a lesson to us all (professional and client/customer) not to barter services and goods (that seems to usually end up a disaster in any context), have contracts in place, and timely initiate legal actions (such as eviction proceedings).(Sorry this may have inadvertently ends up as a reply somehow…so I am forum challenged…I would undo but figure I will make it worse…)


The self-important types - like the barn manager who was fired here (and who I and others CLEARLY wanted to get out - how shameful of us)… and the TBFH (trainer bitch from h*ll) who also all but destroyed what was a happy, peaceful barn… thanks to her arrogance, narcissism and minions who did her bidding (like dumping out water buckets in the paddocks so TBFH could then whine that the farm staff never watered and was trying to harm the horses. And that is only the tip of the many icebergs. I also made it very clear (GASP) to the BO that she needed to go. For a while, championship ribbons were far more important to the BO but she finally saw the light.

Thank God those twits did not overlap their time here. They each posted a lengthy manifesto on FB after they were finally GONE, citing how persecuted they were, how evil the farm staff was, how vile the boarders were… and yet the ex-barn manager never even hinted about all the board money she pocketed for her personal use. I guess she did not think I was smart enough to realize when I did the bank deposits that there were far less checks than horses… and then a new boarder mentioned in passing to a long-term boarder that she thought it was “funny” that she had to write checks to the barn manager and not the farm.


Plus some investigation at the feed store revealed feed picked up and charged to the farm that was not in the feed room… but apparently left the property in the back of that idiot’s friends’ trucks. That also happened with TBFH.

IME, that kind of person pens wordy, threatening manifestoes. Manifestos. Whatever…