Barisone assessment

Are you repeating a claim made by others that the reason MB never “sent her a piece of paper” clearly informing her that he had decided to end the client relationship with 30 days notice is that he, and you, somehow knew or know that she would ignore it? That she would respond better to his “making her life miserable” than by his respecting her legal right to 30 days notice?

I’m not a lawyer, but I sure don’t think you (g) can excuse the landlord for failing to give 30 day notice to a legal tenant just because you (the landlord) presume they will ignore it. Do you think that excuse will prevail in the civil trial?

But is that what you’re saying? As a lawyer?

The negotiations between Tarshis and JK were an attempt to resolve the problem quicker than the 30 days that MB would have needed for unilateral

Quite the response from someone who always insists that they want proper conversations, no insults, etc. LK seems to have often been her own worst enemy - how sad that you seem to find that ROTFLYAO hilarious.


Again - do pay attention - 30 day notice is not necessary to toss a horse out.

She knew everyone wanted her gone. It too is in her manifesto. But she was looking to win a war and when she couldn’t her CHOICE was to punish everyone.


May we see documented proof of this deal please?

No, of course not because there isn’t any. Barisone commanded a $250 - $300+ fee per student per ride at clinics and was always booked solid. His personal time at his own facility would be valued at close to that amount per lesson. With all the other boarders and horses in that barn to be trained, there is no way he would have agreed to 100% personal dedicated one-one training with Lauren.

As far as extra attention given to MHG regarding instruction…of course MB was helping MH train with Olympic/PanAm goals in mind, including bringing in dressage icons to teach her and help her progress on. It would have benefited MB immensely if MH made a team or even became short listed - what an asset to his business!!!

Lauren offered Barisone nothing but a bit of money - no prestige, limited talent, almost zero commitment to any goal, lazy, not dependable, nothing but her little fantasies. Toss in being a drama queen and the appeal lessens even further.

I wonder, does Lauren expect the waters to part when she arrives at Paradigm or wherever she might be? She is literally one of hundreds of lower leve adult amateurs in the area. She offers nothing special whatsoever.

By the way, Seeker, other very high caliber trainers have no problem whatsoever gladly providing MHG training on a regular basis and some even seek her out today along with various business sponsors. Robert Dover himself was her personal trainer for YEARS, flying in for her lessons and shows, until he retired. When your daughter reaches that caliber of ability, talent, and potential, we can talk further.

The idea that MHG was envious or jealous of your daughter in any way is absolutely preposterous.


My guess is that MB was unused to working with grifters.

I would normally agree with you but this boarder wasn’t going peacefully no matter how many 30 day notices got tossed her way. And as that is not needed for horses to vacate is moot on that point.


Nope. I’m reiterating what I have posted here before, and what Mr Tarshis testified to.

A) Mr T stated clearly MB wanted to avoid putting an eviction on LK’s record.

B) as a landlord, it’s always good business sense, and good for evidence in court to try to negotiate first.

As far as the civil trial goes, I have no idea, but I strongly suspect it’s not going to hinge on when a 30 day notice was sent.


I’m behind on this thread again, so maybe this has already been addressed. There is absolutely no reason why two riders with the same trainer cannot both progress rapidly. If they both put in the time and energy, nothing stops one from progressing just as fast as the other.

That is a trainer’s dream, to have a whole barn full of clients, pupils, what have you improving and making him look better.

Shaking my head at this whole misguided line of thought that only one could progress. Who thinks that?? :roll_eyes:



Ok let’s go there. In many states the 30 day notice for the HOUSE may be verbal and she certainly got that.


So, do we think it’s a coincidence that LK and Seeker posted under the comments on MHG’s YT yesterday, considering how much the K crew here snipped, re-typed, misrepresented, etc MHG’s testimony yesterday?

Look under Paulette Maximun and Cynthia Spalding


Too bad you can’t QFP on YouTube and have to settle for screenshots.


So, LK wasn’t getting what she (hadn’t) paid for, didn’t have a contract for what she didn’t get, but didn’t want to leave.

She wanted the business to instead rebrand itself into what she expected it to be?


No, it was the bolded part. That I or anyone interpreted saying positive things about MHG as a way of “trashing LK”. That indeed is ROTFLMAO.

I have said several times that MHG was/is ambitious, talented and hard working, myself. She was classy and, I assume, honest on the witness stand. That’s all admirable. None of that is the trashing of LK that goes on here.

I apologize for responding with the ROTFLMAO to your post, as ridiculous as it was. I should have just not responded at all.

Since LK is no longer posting here, having been banned, I wonder why her detractors are discussing and reposting here her posts on other platforms? (Sarcasm there.) I am not following her activity on other platforms.

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It’s good to see that Seeker has found another location to post her support of her daughter. She hasn’t helped her here.


In reference to showing up on time for lessons… years ago, I had a chance to have a semi-private lesson with a very good dressage trainer in the area. The one hour lesson was at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. The two of us had to be completely warmed up and working on specific figures when the trainer got there at 8:00 on the dot. The lessons were amazing - and we were never late or skipped a lesson because it was -20 on a dark winter morning outside - or any other reason.

That was back in my clubbing/party days :flushed:… and it was not unusual to just straggle home, change, grab a coffee and head out to the barn to be there by 6:30 and start grooming, tacking up etc.
Not sure where I got that stamina from… maybe the huge Tim Horton’s coffee? Add in a gelding who was inevitably extremely… animated :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:… that early on cold mornings - and I had to be focussed!


Princess Bride Dressage :slight_smile:


Many posters were quite smitten with MHGs beauty.


That’s been SOP with most of the trainers I’ve ridden with.


You don’t think claims of perjury in the criminal trial are not relevant to the discussion? There is apparently solid evidence of it waiting to come out.


Maybe it will come out about the same time as all those recordings that have been bandied about for almost 3 years but didn’t make it into the criminal trial (where perjury, impeachment of credibility, etc) might have made a difference in the acquittals.