Barisone assessment


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And don’t forget the expenses MB was shelling out simply by having LK on the property:

$5,000 to debug property is illegal recording devices
$100/night for private security, totaling $3,000 per month
$109/night average for a Quality Inn hotel located near the farm having been forced to leave his home, totaling $3,270 a month (not including taxes and other living expenses).

So security for 1 month and a hotel for 1 month would have totaled at least $6,270, putting MB in the negative by at least $1,270/month.

This doesn’t cover the added cost of 2 additional horses either. Or the additional cost of electric/water if RG was never agreed upon in the original arrangement.


A) What I remember is that he said he “didn’t want to evict her” but instead wanted to “scare her out”.

He did not say the reason for not going the legal route. Logically, to me, it would because the legal route would have required 30 days. Are you seriously claiming that he filed a 750 page complaint against her with USEF to get her a lifetime ban but “didn’t want an eviction on her record”? Seriously?

My understanding on landlord/tenant law is:

  1. Serve notice, preferably in writing, that you are ending the tenancy at the end of 30 days.

  2. Wait thirty days.

  3. If the person refuses to vacate in 30 days, go to court.

If MB had taken step 1, and she had vacated within 30 days, it would not have gone to step 3, correct?

If he merely provided the legal demand to vacate, and she had left within 30 days, why would there be an “eviction” on her record?

B] Since he hadn’t informed her, as of Aug 3, that he wanted her out, at the point he had no choice but to try to negotiate a departure if he wanted her out quicker than thirty days, if he wanted to proceed legally.

How on earth does a private citizen bring perjury charges or introduce “new evidence” after a verdict is rendered (unless they were the accused). Once again LK is no legal scholar…

If perjury charges were to be brought by the district attorney, they would against Lauren Shay Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin!


Sounds about right


Not just perjury charges…“True Perjury” charges.


I think it’s not fair or appropriate to respond here to her posts on other SM platforms given that she can no longer post here and respond herself.

If you want to pursue her to other platforms, you can respond to her posts on the platforms she is currently posting on.

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All over a place she wasn’t getting what she paid for, that was guilty of bait and switch for years. :thinking:

It. Makes. No. Sense.


I can cut and paste all the times this has all been answered in this thread alone, especially your point B, if you’d like.


You’re beating a dead horse. No one cares. You can’t change the narrative and everyone knows what happened. LK will never be right.

So why do you keep on posting the same thing over and over again? Is it to harass us?


I take note of your sour grapes.


For now, I’m more interested in point A]. If MB had at any time sent her a piece of paper, filed with the court or not, that she was to vacate in 30 days, and then waited 30 days, if she had vacated prior to 30 days, why would there be “an eviction” on her record?

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Why do you continue to take IM’s word as truth when you don’t even know the identity of the poster? How can you know if someone is credible if you don’t even know their identity?


Thanks for acknowledging my answer to your question.

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Asked and answered.


I’ve answered this before. He has admitted to being an insider. His statements are almost always borne out by subsequent events, and they fit other known facts. His statements helped me form a coherent understanding of what may have happened. Any poster who fits these criterion I would find credible.

Are you trying to get me to say I know IMs identity? I don’t. Like most people, I have a suspicion based on his insider position and his pro LK stance. So what?

In the post of mine you quoted, though, I was just correcting KM on what IM actually posted.

And how or earth would IM know any such thing? Were they there for all of the private conversations between MHG and MB? Even if IM has access to the illegal recordings to hear her say anything even close to those words, we don’t know the context of the conversation.

I can easily imagine a significant other saying they were sick and tired of all the time discussing, worrying about (the LK situation), negotiating with, being pisses off at, etc. LK sucks the oxygen out of any interaction!


Does anyone have a screenshot of the post LK made using chess references, something about the queen will fall, etc.?

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