Barisone assessment

As the chain indicates, I was responding to Ekat, not you, KM.

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She said it right.



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I’m the Pope.


Sorry, I still don’t understand how LK “would have an eviction on her record”, if she had left within 30 days of a demand to vacate. But I’m more than happy to be left in ignorance.

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I don’t think so either, not at all. All of these back and forth arguments have done is prove to me that MB has a strong civil case.


I dunno, maybe she didn’t want her kids around lying, drug-addict grifters. :thinking:


I do hope the lawyers clearly cover how eviction works though, because it is clear here that there are people in the world who do not understand that step one of getting someone to leave is not simply filing an eviction.


An insider that wouldn’t actually claim an identity that could be independent verified as connected to the case, unlike LK and Seeker.

How convenient for this “insider”.


Yet, most of what “they” said as truth turned out to be not so much. Where were all the bombshells IM promised. Honestly your loyalty is honorable but you sure are naive.


Exactly. It’s obvious that MHG probably had numerous reasons for her intense animosity for LK and understandable that she wanted LK gone.

The only headscratcher is why MB had not asked LK to leave as of Aug3, per MHGs own testimony.

The exact reasons that MHG wanted her gone is not important, and there were probably multiple reasons.

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Too bad your corrections are wrong and don’t address the manifesto.


Yes, I’ve been called an insider too many times to count but she doesn’t believe me and I’ve been proven correct repeatedly! Woe is me :frowning: “I don’t get no respect” - JJ


Asked and answered.


Asked and answered.


LOL, my father was a military officer for 24 years. His mantra was “You are either early, or you are late.”

He once chided me on the front porch of Cracker Barrel for being two minutes late when meeting him for breakfast. There were other people there - strangers, mostly older folks - and some of the men were wearing ball caps indicating they were also military veterans. They all got a good chuckle out of it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Volunteering one’s IRL identity, as LK and Seeker did, is not a requirement for posting here. The basis for my finding IM credible is not based on his identity.

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Oh, OK. My bad for not understanding that you were taking over the “important task” of QFPing my every post.

Sorry to be slow on the uptake.

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I’m going to put this out here, again, to provide some clarity.

Remember, Mr T and JK thought they had an agreement for LK to move on Friday, Aug 2nd.

I linked MHG’s testimony earlier in the thread.


Mr S: …text message from you to Michael Barisone on August 3rd 2019?

MHG: yes

Mr S: and did you ask him, “why can we not say to Lauren and Rob and the father because still no one actually has we are evicting you, you must leave no one has said it.”

MHG: that’s correct

Mr S: and is his response to you on line 9365 “Monday morning”

Now, we can keep saying that no one had ever told her to leave by Aug 3rd, when that text was written, OR, we can assume MHG meant exactly what she said - specific to the term “evicting you”.

MB’s response is so relevant, as Mr T did send the notice by email on Monday, Aug 5th.


The same could be said for many posters here. Yet you cling to IM’s every word. Just IM’s. And without knowing their identity or credibility?
