Barisone assessment



By “filed eviction” do you mean a demand to vacate filed with the court?

To me the issue is the date the demand to vacate was issued, not whether it was filed with the court.

I think her case relies on the fact that there was no clear, written demand to vacate as late as Aug 3, per MHGs testimony.

It was MHG who pointed out to MB in that text that no one had actually had asked her to leave.

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Happy to!

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Thank you! I was drafting the same response to LK’s tirade but behind on posts so you beat me to it!!


oooooooo, maybe we’ll get a Tech Help post to go with it. I think they come as a set now. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Dear @CurrentlyHorseless:

You may now cease and desist with the stupid notice to vacate.

When WILL you folks learn to research law? And now you made me research NJ law.

Note: the FILING of an eviction case goes on the record and is viewable by the public.


And you don’t want to be overheard


Excellent point, in light of what we now know.


According to her mother, Seeker1, she had been hoodwinked and wasn’t getting what she paid for and had plenty of other options.
Why. Stay?


Too bad the texts stick around as a record that can be introduced in a court of law.

If we have learned nothing else from this case, it is the value of burner phones when you have a bad plan in mind.


Did MB give her a 3-day notice to quit?

Perhaps he could have, but did he?

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Prove that he didn’t.


Fun - another bombshell! I can hardly wait! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s not what it says at all.

It says nobody has told them they MUST leave, ie they are being formally evicted. She never says they hadn’t been asked to leave. You are literally the only person who believes that.

LK and RG clearly had been told things weren’t working out and they should find a new trainer / place to live. Whether it was MB, MHG, or both who told them that is irrelevant. Most normal people would respond by packing their things and looking for new accommodations. LK’s response? To launch a “war,” dedicate herself to to making the lives of everyone on the farm miserable, and to ruin MB’s business.

So now her campaign of terror is ramping up and it’s clear she and Rob are not going to just move out with class and dignity. So MB and his lawyer approach PaPaPopRider and his lawyer, and between them they work out an exit strategy that sees Lauren, Rob, and the horses moving to another facility on August 2.

Except she doesn’t. August 2 comes and goes and LK isn’t leaving, so at that point MHG asks why they can’t give them formal notice of eviction and tell them they MUST leave - which is exactly what they did next.

I don’t know why this is so hard for you to understand, or why you persist in conflating being asked to leave with being told that a formal eviction process is being launched.



If you’re not claiming that he gave a 3 day notice to quit, what was the point of your screen shot? I agree that he probably would have had a case for a 3 day notice to quit, if he wanted to go that route.

Um, I have a sincere question and need to resurrect the dead horse please.

Does ANYONE believe ANYTHING would have changed if a signed, sealed, delivered, properly filed eviction notice been delivered by authorized authorities obtaining a signed receipt, that Hawthorne Hill would become a delightful meadow of tranquillity and LK/RG would have spent their days packing their belongings and behaving? Or would Finish the Bastard plan proceed as planned?


Asked and answered. Plus see BigMammas post.


Yes, as of Aug 3, LK and RG would have understood that they needed to leave and the exact terms and date of departure were being worked out by lawyers. The negotiations involved their leaving much sooner than 30 days.

MB could have at any time issued a demand to vacate in 30 days without going into negotiations that required LKs agreement. That’s my point.

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