Barisone assessment

LK could have just moved out.


First of all, that’s not the point you’ve been trying to make for months. You keep insisting that MHG’s testimony says nobody ASKED them to leave, which is blatantly false.

Secondly, why should MB have ever needed to issue a formal demand? Most normal people would simply leave when asked or it was made clear they were no longer welcome.

Once they didn’t leave more action was required, so the plan to move her down the road was negotiated. When than plan didn’t result in them moving, the formal letter notifying them of eviction was issued.

What part of this aren’t you understanding or pretending not to understand? [edit]


If you disagree with me, that’s fine, but I don’t appreciate your correcting me as to what my point is.

In the months before the trial, my opinion or assertion that she had not been asked to leave prior to Aug 5 was based on the assertion made by MB in his civil suit that they had asked LK to leave on Aug 5. My thinking is that if they had asked her to leave prior to Aug 5, he would have said the earlier date in his civil suit.


I sincerely want to know what you believe would have happened once they received whatever document YOU require to convince you they were actually told to leave?

See, most of us believe they knew they were out and ratcheted up their attack for whatever reason. You seem to think they would have stopped all their antics.


I don’t appreciate you asserting over and over (and over and over) again that MHG testified they had never been asked to leave, when that is demonstrably false.


From the YT post shared, what is “true perjury”.


A made up term.


It’s the same tired tactic Seeker uses to keep repeating the same thing over and over, perhaps worded a smidgen differently, regardless of the proof shoved in their face. I assume they think people will eventually walk away or they really are unable to process facts. Maybe it’s because IM didn’t say so.


The difference between a fib and a lie, or between a white and black lie, or sworn or not sworn, or fingers crossed or not crossed! Honestly, it’s LK and her word salad of made up BS.


Thank you, I won’t try to impress my attorney friend with it then. I just learned adduce.


If a written letter (paper or email) had been conveyed informing her that the training relationship was ending 30 days hence, I think they probably would have vacated without the antics. I think the vague deals about RGs work and possible promised lifetime board for Jay-T would have introduced arguing over who owed who what, which would have complicated things.

I think a good portion of their “antics” were tit for tat retaliation to MBs decision to “make their lives miserable”, his attempt to “scare them out” and his attempt to get her banned by USEF.

I’m not in favor of tit for tat retaliation in which everyone loses. But that’s what both parties seemed to go for. Successful negotiations need to aim for some degree of win/win. In this case each side seemed so determined to make the other side “lose”, they ended up with a massive lose/lose all around.

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Oh, there is absolutely no doubt it was “FINISH THE BASTARD” all the way. There is nothing to indicate otherwise.


Omg, really. She ranted for days on end how she was being bullied, harassed, and people were out to get her. People volunteered to get her horses out (I boarded right around the corner from HH and there are more than enough barns, dressage and other, to accommodate her and her horses). The bottom line is, SHE COULD HAVE JUST PACKED UP AND LEFT!


Sorry. It is my interpretation of the MHG text that she is saying that no one has actually formally told them to leave.

Perhaps you could respond to my point that MB himself in his civil suit said that they had been asked to leave on Aug 5. If they had been asked to leave earlier, even informally and not in writing, why wouldn’t he have mentioned the earlier date?

My interpretation of MHGs text to MB is based on the MB reference to their being asked to leave on Aug 5.

How is it “demonstrably false” that they had not been asked to leave as of Aug 3?

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Tell your friend that someone is going to adduce evidence of “true perjury”, as opposed to false perjury (?) from a criminal trial into a civil trial. It’s a good laugh, anyway.


I will! :joy:

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Starting when, July 31? August 1? Yes, Barisone was attempting to scare and harass her into leaving within days. That’s my interpretation of most of his 911 calls: intimidation and harassment.

I think she would have complied with a normal notice to vacate without the harassment and intimidation, and she’s the type of person who digs in her heels in response to bullying and harassment. And posts about it on Facebook.

If you’re interpreting the campaign of intimidation and harassment as “asking her to leave”, then yes, that started before Aug 3 or Aug 5.

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Nonsense. If that were the case they wouldn’t have needed written notice and would have vacated sans “antics” (weird description of what sounds like criminal harassment, but ok) as soon as they were asked, or as soon as it was suggested they weren’t welcome, or as soon as they were unhappy with the training arrangement.


Asked and answered.

Because MB, JK and their lawyers had negotiated alternative housing and stabling for them to begin in Aug 2. Duh.