Barisone assessment

What I am interpreting is what she perceived and ranted about. If she perceived she was being threatened, then leave.
No where did I say that MB harassed her. On the contrary, she harassed him.


Cite, please?


Perhaps they wouldn’t have needed written notice. Written notice is just a safeguard for the landlord.

Obviously it was known prior to Aug 3 or Aug 5 that “they were unwelcome”. But it’s not clear to me that things got ugly before the last week of July. I can see LK as not wanting to be forced out faster than the 30 days notice she was entitled to as a legal tenant. I can see her as using MBs desire to get her out within days as a bargaining chip for some form of cash for keys. I think if she had imagined that he was capable of shooting her, she would have scuttled out of there in 24 hours.

Didn’t Lauren train and possibly compete in ice skating as a minor? Surely she figured out then that if you don’t put in the time, you do not train with an Olympian. Or did she insist the only reason she didn’t have a better coach was because the assistant coach was jealous of her talent (and beauty)?

It is hard to type that with a straight face.

Or was it dancing? Same principles apply. It is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.


Omg me too! It’s the worst!! I once showed up for an event a day early bc my type A took over and convinced me it was a day earlier lol. So embarrassing :flushed:


I thought LK was only informed of the proposed deal as of Aug 5, and declined to sign on.

How could the deal start as of Aug 2?

I know that the lawyers as agents had negotiated a proposed deal. However, LK as a principal had not signed on.

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I went to the dentist a day early once. I agree, so embarrassing.


I just showed up for my last haircut 2 hours early. My appointment was at 1 and I was convinced it was 11.

I would so much rather be early than late.


It’s in the 100 page civil suit that MB filed against the MC police. He gave an speech in the lobby of the police headquarters explaining his distress on Aug 5, and said he had notified them he wanted out that same day.

I understand that you did not say MB harassed her. I said he harassed her. She also harassed him. That was the tragic cycle of reciprocal bullying and harassment that ended so badly.

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She thought that was funny. She was surprised they would be making SM comments before a civil trial.

She also knows someone else who watched the criminal trial. The person isn’t a horse person but a law student. The case was discussed in their class.


Oh, this sounds interesting. What did the class think?


Couple things:

The suit is only 37 pages long, including all affirmations, etc. not 100.

Here’s the specific language:

Nevertheless, BARISONE mustered the courage to confront the officers, telling them, in words and/or in substance, the following:

I NEED a supervisor. A Detective. We are in danger. I have LUNATICS attacking me and my family at the Farm. They are drug addicts. They are violent criminals. They have guns. They are posting deadly threats against us on social media. We need protection. They have been served vacate orders today. There WILL be trouble. WE ARE IN FEAR FOR OUR LIVES. What they are posting is JUST LIKE Parkland School. They WILL harm us. I need a mental health professional to look at this stuff. I have papers in my truck in the parking lot showing the threats and violent messages they are posting. I need a ranking officer to deal with this situation. It is your job. WE ARE IN FEAR FOR OUR LIVES.”

Specifically, Mr Deininger says he used these words or substance, first of all. Second, the EXACT language is: “They have been served vacate orders today.”

Not, today’s the first time I thought I’d mention it’s time to go.


Many people are surprised by that.

Wow! I wonder how that discussion went? You don’t have to post anything. I just find it interesting.



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But… But… But…
I want them to post how the discussion in the class went, darn it.


I do too. If it doesn’t make anyone involved in the class or the telling uncomfortable. :slight_smile:


This is so SICK. No matter how many times I hear/ read this it’s probably the deepest, sickest thing I’ve ever heard. How ANYONE can defend the writer of this is beyond. Scary sick and shame on anyone who defends this.

Btw IDK where LK came from (discipline wise) but it’s very evident those defending her have never experienced a high performance barn in any discipline. Maybe it was greed MB decided to take on a rank amateur or maybe the wool. Was being pulled over his eyes or maybe both but when this level of sick shows up IN YOUR HOUSE, On your doorstep, intertwined in your life that’s panic mode 100%. I’m shocked 3 people are still defending her. As a mother I would die of embarrassment and shame.


Also. Who did LK want to move into the house? A woman and a baby???


LOL. Fine. Thanks for looking up the text.

On Aug 5 the civil suit says that Barisone stated that “They have been served vacate orders today.”

He says nothing —nada— about when he first “mentioned it was time to go”.