Barisone assessment

She did not elaborate on it but said it was for rules of evidence. I told her to tell the student (a second year law school student) to check this site out.




Sometimes in the last couple of years I have thought that if she had started riding as a 5-6 yo and had shown ponies at Devon, Indoors, etc, then she and her parents would have a better handle on the commitment it takes, not to mention the $$$$. But alas….


You fail to understand she was the root of the problem. All she had to do was leave. It was his business and his home.


I have to ask. What kind of event? Lol.

Very interesting!

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Interesting that they wouldn’t have known of those private conversations without illegal surveillance. They should have left when told as any normal people would. You have never interacted with Lauren in real life have you? What any normal person would do isn’t what LK does. MB/MH regrettably learned that when they spoke with the people they called in late July-early August.

By the way, MB’s “attempt” is still pending with USEF.


Would that be for how evidence is presented in court? I told her to tell the student about the shoddy police work.

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This! This is a short and concise summation of the whole situation.


Holy crap! Really? This whole thing reeks of jealously. Performance jealousy and status jealousy. LK was Pissed!!


They have had almost 3 years to review the case. Aren’t they finished yet?


I see your quotation marks and raise you a Mmkay


I believe ‘true perjury’ is a made-up concept b/c she knows she and RG said things under oath that are provably untrue, thus, they want to be able to go after others for untrue (whether that’s accurate or not) statements made under oath while they, themselves, are not pursued for the same issue. She will deem their untruths under oath not ‘true perjury’ while anything anyone else says that she personally considers untrue will be deem ‘true perjury’.

It’s just one more example of rules for thee and not for me (or we, if we’re including RG’s whoppers on the stand). This pattern has been long established.


Of course she was jealous and fwiw, the barn I was boarding at used many of the same professional services that HH used…some of those professionals had opinions of LK and suffice to say, they were not flattering.


Recognizable pattern here.


Yes, and why things are excluded. The Rules of Evidence is a hugely thick book, lol. There’s a federal set and then most states follow it fairly closely. So, now my mind is spinning on what evidence they were discussing, lol.


More LOLs. So much for that need for serious discussion, I guess.

He says nothing about that because they were long past that point. If you are naive enough to actually think that zero mention was made about LK having to leave before the posted comments were noted and the orders to vacate had been served… well, that is just… I dunno. SMH.

You really worry at this and fret about it for some reason and somehow have decided that nary a word was exchanged about leaving between the two factions before that vacate notice? How odd that you felt it was 100 pages as opposed to 37 - if any of us had made such an embellishment, you would have jumped all over it…

IMO LK had no intention of leaving - it was all part of her sad Finish the Bastard game and she was confident that she was the smartest person there (as that manifesto screams) and all would bend to her will in time. Just like the disruptive barn characters I have previously mentioned that we had to deal with…


Wow - I’m stunned, and impressed you could decipher that!


Mine too! My friend isn’t a horse person at all, more of a client/friend. I see her in person in August and will try to get more info.


That’s cool. :). I thought maybe when you first mentioned it, maybe they were talking verdict, or the dueling experts, because from a purely, clinically, legal perspective, that is a fascinating part of the case.

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