Barisone assessment

I know my kid. You dont.

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Thank goodness for that.


His original plea was ng. Then it morphed into ng by reason of insanity…then not guilty slef defense which was taken off the table by the judge due to lack of evidence.

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So well that she went to a hotel after leaving the hospital.



Evidently unfortunately…mhg

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The latest posts do not seem to be the usual language and spelling of Seeker1.




I don’t see reposting her YT posts or FB or any other post as “bashing”. Generally her posts say everything needed, like the snippet from the YT post indicating she is going to have charges drawn for others for perjury. The irony is the people on the L&C YT know about trials and know a common anyone can’t bring perjury changes.

I don’t understand what you thing public forums are? They aren’t private.


I wager you don’t have a criminal record either.




Ok, I just watched the adjuster again. For the record, he testifies right after Mr Tarshis.

The only date he gave was January 31, when MB came up from FL, and signed all the paperwork for the claim. He says he never spoke to anyone else at the farm. He testifies about how it was pretty routine. He asked MB a for more paperwork, MB provided receipts for the propane/fuel, and…Objection! Testimony got shut down.

But…you make a very interesting point about the timing.


Thanks for doing that.

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The evidence lies in the fact that he did not ask her to leave and was helping her get another horse. Mhg discussed him not asking her to leave. I have posted the link to mhgs testimony on this topic a number of times on here. Why don’t you listen to it instead of telling me there s no evidence

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You again misunderstand the purpose of highlighting what she is posting. She has made it clear (FB post) that she is playing 3-D chess and that she tells people what she is doing so they can know how she is 10 moves ahead and know the exact moment when she won.

I’m just spreading it along so we all can keep abreast of when the moment of our check-mate is nigh. Who are you to try to interfere with her expressed game plan?


This might be nit picking, but I’d call the barter an agreement not “a plan”.


To this point, why would LK approach the insurance adjuster and ask about/suggest fraud.

Show of hands, has anyone here EVER inserted themselves into an insurance claim with which they had no connection? I cannot even imagine approaching someone else’s insurance adjuster. The only reason you would do that is to cause serious trouble for the insured party, maybe even get criminal charged brought against them. That’s the ONLY reason you would try to get information about someone else’s insurance claim and insert yourself into the process.

The ONLY reason.

That’s harassment and that was WAAAAAAY before the shooting, correct?


No problem. That’s a thing I’ll be interested to see if more detail comes out in the civil trial.

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More to the point, why would someone testify, under oath, they did approach him, when the adjuster said he talked to no one else on the farm?


I don’t believe that for one moment. No matter how many times you repeat it.