Just going to leave this here. I apparently struck a nerve…AGAIN!
QFPing is not something out of the ordinary on this forum, especially when posters are known to “dirty edit and delete” posts. And I am a long way from QFPing all your posts @Seeker1!
Bully her out? He had a business and no longer wanted her as a customer. She knew he wanted her gone as evidenced as Daddy trying to negotiate a new place to go. And once more HER HORSES HAD NO TENANCY RIGHTS. HE COULD HAVE HAD THEM REMOVED AUGUST 1 AND THERE WAS NOTHING SHE COULD DO.
I do believe it was LK posting about preparing for a trial before the shooting….something about planting statements with the cops who showed up for 911 calls that would evidence perjury in a trial….
Someone remind me - when MB opened the safe, he was witnessed removing a gun - this was sworn testimony? Because if the ninja who wrote she had access to the room (how did she know?) could possibly have opened the safe thanks to illegal wiretapping, he could have seen a gun was missing.
Or I could be mixing up details thanks to my fading recollection.
Question about forcibly moving someone’s horses - could that be horse theft? Do you have to have a reason for removing a boarders horses, “tying them to the mailbox” so to speak?
I haven’t seen it, but if, in the letter from jail he had incriminated himself in any way, it never would have made it out of the jail to it’s intended recipient. It would have gone straight to the prosecutor, and you are right, Mr Schellhorn would have waived that all over the courtroom.
She says she has receipts of payments she made to his staff?! Because he couldn’t lay them? What? Why are we only hearing about these this year, and not in previous years threads?
@ekat as far as the horses - being they had no tenancy rights as chattel and given there probably/maybe was/was not a boarding agreement, how should a barn owner un-residence the horses from the barn?