Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

OMG!!! Bahahahaha!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




Something that also really stood out to me in my stone cold sobriety was the K’s saying that LK’s horses were being mistreated… either by the wrong feed or too much or something or other (of course adamantly denied by those actually around feeding - working student and LO). Close to that statement it was also explaining how LK felt she was being bullied… the FB posts about being bullied by a 6’3 man… so your horses are being mistreated, you aren’t happy with the training as already mentioned, and you are being “harassed,” YET… you refuse to leave.

It really drove how ridiculous and irrational her behavior was for staying.

MB says he asked her to leave over and over and over and over. There are 911 calls where MB is panicked stating he has been run out of his house and can not get these people to leave. 4 of those calls.

Huge emphasis on her being there for the sole purpose of destroying him bc why on earth would any sane person stay.

And JK has the gall to say LK was never asked to leave. Who calls 911 frantic over being run out of their house yet doesn’t ask someone to leave. Bull poop.

Yea, the show didn’t go into huge detail but it really painted a certain picture and it seems the public has responded in favor of MB. The general public, not just the horsey public.

And YES, I also thought LK was awkward as hell around horses. Bow your head, what?

And I did crack up at JK going through a binder of seemingly 80k pages in the beginning and thought it was likely LK’s social media posts. He seems like the type to dress in a suit, sit down at a table and do just that while enjoying it. Weird.


Oh did they now? Well that will be interesting because anything they recorded could be subpoenaed for the civil suit.


Ok. Finished watching the whole thing.

1st impression: There was not NEARLY enough Boyd. I was led to believe there would be more Boyd.

2nd impression: There was WAAAAYYYY too much commentary from Jonathan Kanarek. Who wants to listen to that guy talk anyway? He sounds like a used car salesman.

3rd impression: I’m still pi$$ed over the lack of enough Boyd commentary. But hearing from Michael Poulin was kind of awesome. That sort of made up for it.

4th impression: MB came off quite well. Lauren came off like an obsessive weirdo.

5th impression: Why is Lk constantly infantilized by everyone? She’s not a little girl with horsey dreams anymore. She’s a 40 something year old woman, who has a smack problem. And WTF has she been doing for all those years between her horsey teenaged dreams, and present day… other than smack? Does she have any documented respectable professional history? A secret family she had been busy raising that no one knows about? Can we talk about this yet? Probably not. No questions are allowed about the giant black hole in this woman’s personal history where a normal background should be.

She’s a 40 year old woman, who hasn’t held a real, reputable job, and who still hasn’t resolved her opioid addiction (10 years on suboxone = unresolved opioid addiction), and who has a SUPER expensive hobby… but no one has a clue as to how she pays for it all.

And her Dad comes across like a used car salesman from NJ. Sorry… but I don’t buy that he is the source of the wealth funding the 5 or 6 horses hanging out in full board in South Florida.

OK. I’m going to wait dutifully for my punishment because I said obvious stuff about this situation, and it will no doubt make certain people angry.


Probably the only wise decision made. Except, JK was loose lipped… so he didn’t get that memo.


If he has her SM in a binder, do we have any doubt he’s been participating on the forum?


Did RG run away again when filming this episode because he did not make an appearance.

In testimony it was said LK and RG could be heard having screaming matches all the time in their apartment. Made me believe their relationship was rocky to begin with. I bet now he has ”gone to the store for smokes” and has yet to return.


Didn’t Silver mention a video statement?

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Oh, heck no. I believe IM is JK and I also believe Silver (I believe it was) has a good reason for establishing that identity. IE. Proof.


That part was clearly glossed over… all the talk of, “aww she rode her first horsie as a small child and has done nothing but ride ever since!” And yet she’s still clearly a mediocre amateur rider by the age of 40 despite being ever so driven and determined according to daddy dearest … and yet there’s no sign of a career or anything to explain what she’s been doing for the last 30 years and why she’s not out there riding Grand Prix and winning everything.


Maybe Lauren was mistaking that approach for one you must use with a hippogriff…


Did they mention that the trial can be watched on YT?


I’m sure her amateur-friendly dressage schoolmasters are super concerned that random newcomers are likely to be threats rather than carrot dispensers!


I thought the same thing. I was surprised at her level of riding for how long she has ridden. Some people are not natural riders and that is totally ok. But LK thought she was too good to be taught by MHG and JH and should be solely trained by MB. How she made that decision, IDK because she has not even been a dressage rider for terribly long. I’ve personally seen MHG ride and she is very talented. I’m a better rider than LK (I’m being honest not arrogant) and I would be happy to take lessons with MHG. She’s good.


Me too! But careful… I was lambasted for calling her “a beginner”. I stand behind my assertion.


Ditto! On all fronts.


With all of that said, I thought it was ridiculous that LK needed to find another Olympic level barn to go to. LK could learn a great deal from a solid PSG rider with a national level experience. She is bowing to her horses for Christ’s sake.


Pssssst. She hasn’t been spending all this time riding. She’s a “re-rider.” Like many other adult ammys. Many of us rode horses in our childhood and teen years, then spent a lot of our young adult years on our career, or relationships, or starting a family, or all of the above, and took time off from horses. Then… once life is more settled and we have more income security… we come back to it and ride more.

I’m about the same age as LK. And… I potter around at the lower levels. Which is fine. I’ve got a LOT of other stuff going on in my life, I’m not a pro, and my horses are loved and well cared for. Is what it is. I enjoy riding with some awesome coaches, and making progress. But I’m not in the same universe as pro riders or serious amateur competitors… and that is totally fine.

LK? Her whole story makes zero sense. She doesn’t fit any established pattern of riding and progress. And… she seems to have a very grandiose opinion of herself and her goals.


Yes! Loved that pony. I am just the right size for it. I wonder if it is a German Riding Pony.